
Is It True That When You Have A Dream About Sumbody......Please Read On!?

by Guest63784  |  earlier

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Is it true that when you have a dream about somebody that that person fell asleep thinking about you. I read it in a book and i was wondering if that was true




  1. You need to be more careful what you read.

    What you were told in the book is simply not true.

  2. Wow.

    That would be pretty cool.

    But wait.. WHY WOULD A GUY STABING THE c**p OUTA ME. be thinking of me before he went to sleep? :S

  3. NO. It's more likely that you fell asleep thinking about them

  4. I have done this myself. It seems (with me anyway) that when I dream about someone, it is most generally for 2 different reasons. Either I miss them dearly because I have not seen them for a long time. Or I have just spoken to then on that day and can't seem to get our conversation out of my mind. People have different dreams for different reasons. I would just "test the waters" and see if you can figure out why you are dreaming about them. I have found that some people don't take it very well when you tell them that you have dreamed of them. They almost act like it is strange or just awkward and don't know how to respond to you. I have a bad habit of thinking things apart and often can't function properly until I have found what I think is the correct answer.

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