
Is It Worth Getting NBA Live 09 (When It Comes Out) If I Already Have 07???

by  |  earlier

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& BTW, Would You Rather The NBA 2K" Series Or Nba Live Series???

I Asked This Here Coz The People At The Playstation Section SUCK lol




  1. why get 09 when u can get 08

  2. 2k9 if you wanna challenge and if you actual want to be pretty realistic.

    if you want it like where you can neva miss a shot and win every single game with NO CHALLENGE get Like

    2k9 over Live 09

    I suggest you get 2k9 then gimmes BEST ASNWER!!

  3. NBA 2k is always more realistic than Live. Live has the flashy moves and stuff but it's too arcade and unreal.

  4. 2k is better graphics but live has like more options.. i would go with live 09 it has better features.

  5. NBA Live definitely. Get '09. That way you can play with Beasley and Rose, but to save your time and money, go here to update your 07 Roster.


    Then choose NBA Live 2007 and click Roster Updates, download, and read the manual and extract.

  6. nah u should wait like 2 weeks and the prices goes down

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