
Is It Worth It To Surf?

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I See people are so fascinated about surfing. I don't know but I think it's fun but I also think that people are overrating it a little bit, I don't know but I may change my opinion if I try to surf myself.

The question is: Do You Really Think That Surfing Is Fun? I want to know if I'm the only one who would like to surf although he think it's overrated.




  1. Heck Yes!! Surfing is really a ton of fun! I am a professional surfer and I wouldn't have it any other way! I doubt also though that you are the only one who thinks surfing is overrated... I don't though. I love it and I think you should definitely try it!

  2. it's DEFINITELY worth it. provides an undescribable sense of freedom and relaxing that is different from para-gliding or any other free, relaxing hobby. i thought it was overrated, and on top of that ... difficult to learn. but it was totally worth it. even though it took hours and hours and hours of drinking gallons of seawater and being buffeted by the waves. TOTALLY worth it. changed my whole perspective on life.

  3. As with everything else, you'll find some people who think it's the best thing on earth, some people who think it completely sucks and others who couldn't care either way.  Some people with think it's really "extreme" and others who think it's "mellow", some who are scared of sharks and others who will surf with a shark biting their leash.  

    For me, there's nothing better than a day going out with my board and my daughter.  Even if I don't catch a single wave in 3 or 4 hours, it will be worth it to me.  Others will have a completely different view.  Some will only like it if they can rip on 10 waves an hour and others will only care if they catch one or two.  

    For me it's about the company, or lack of company if the mood is right, and being in the ocean and feeling the power it has.  We are small creatures, and surfing lets me remember that there is more out there.  More we can't control, more we shouldn't control, and more we don't understand.  These are things that are important to me.

    I've studied about religions for many years, traveled to lots of places and tried lots of things.  Surfing is about the closest I've ever felt to what I consider God.  It's just a complete experience for me, especially when I share it with people I love; friends and family.  There's nothing better.

    Nobody can tell you if it's worth it.  Only you can decide that for yourself.  We can each give you our opinions, but they're just opinions.  Everyone has one, and they're generally different.  They can also all be right or all be wrong.  

    Try it, see for yourself if it's worth it.  Either way you can't lose because you'll have either found your life's hobby, our found something else you can cross of the list and say "Yeah, I tried it; wasn't for me."

  4. Dude,

    Chicks dig guys that surf.

    You don't even have to be good at it.

    Just look the part.

    You'll be a chick-magnet in no time.


  5. Surfing is something that once you fall in love with it you cant live without it. No one can really explain the addiction, you just have to see for yourself. Its one of those sports where the better you get at it, the more fun it becomes. You just have to stick around long enough to improve, and you will be hooked.

  6. I really liked JP's answer. I happen to agree with pretty much everything he said. The only problem is that when people who don't surf see a surfer post an answer like that they get the impression that we are a bunch of whacked out neo-hippies.  

    If you are curious I highly recommend that you try it.  It's going to suck at first but the moment that you catch your first wave it all changes and what JP said will probably make sense.  The worst that could happen is that you decide you would rather do something else, the best that could happen is that it could change your life.

    There is an online surf magazine called Drift that has an article in the latest issue about surfing being the "New Aquatic Nature Religion."  I've posted a link to it below.

  7. No, it's not worth it!! Don't even bother trying to learn. There are too many people out on the water already! Why would you want to add to the madness and chaos! Stay on the sand and work on your tan!

  8. Surfing can be very frustrating as it is dependent on the elements, that said when it is good it is like s*x with your maker. Seriously.

    Do it with friends though, you will laugh like a twit and not care that you do.

    I should stop spending my time in religion it was so much more fun answering this question and I can totally - you can picture goofy smile and two thumbs up to this [picture now] - feel good about it.

  9. Is it worth it - yes, overrated - no.  Surfing is one of the extreem sports that anyone can learn and then push themselves as far as they care to go.  Below is a paper that I wrote in 1999 that expresses my feelings about surfing.  It's on the net as well.

    Several feelings are experienced during different parts of the surfing experience. If I meet friends, we visit during our drive, or sometimes stop for breakfast and then spend a few moments socializing. These are usually old friends with a common interest in surfing. We strive to leave our daily lives behind and focus on the simple pleasures surfing provides.

    Looking out at the waves early in the morning fills your eyes with beauty, even on poor surf days. The beach itself is uncrowded and serene, the waves boom in the distance, the water has a bluish tint with white frosty soup rolling in towards the shore, and, if there are surfers out, their gliding motion on the waves create the visual equivalent of music to my senses.

    I carry my board to the water and pause for a moment, a ritual I've performed many times, something akin to an artist looking at a blank canvas. Will this be a good day or will I even survive the sometimes-dangerous acts I'm about to perform. If the waves are challenging, I seek the best place and time to paddle out, and where I might be lucky enough to catch the best waves. Then, suddenly, I make my mad dash for the outside, forgetting cold, fatigue, what I did last night, and everything else.

    Finally, I'm out in the lineup and again pause to catch my breath and get into position. It was easy when I was young, but the years have made this mad dash seem to last ever longer. My cares are left on the beach and it's time to become one with nature. If I'm by myself, I get the feel of the ocean and relax until a rideable wave appears. If I'm out with friends, we socialize the same as we might during breakfast.

    When my wave starts to form, paddle like crazy, drop, and then throw caution to the wind as I try to dominate the wave I've selected. If the surf is challenging, particularly large surf, my heart pumps, and I feel the adrenaline flowing as I take the drop. In small surf, I try to become an artist on the wave, using what the wave offers to make the most of my ride. There is a rush even in small surf, but small surf allows more of my creative side to exhibit itself.

    Finally, I'm tired, my arms ache, I'm cold, or I'm out of time and I either catch a wave or paddle in to shore. I pick my board up and walk up the beach, looking at the spectators to see if anyone acknowledges what I've accomplished. I'm a showman at heart, and I get still another rush if I hear someone on the beach says "boy that was a great wave you caught."

    Eventually I go to my car and drive home. I'm happy that my day has started so well.

  10. Haha I see what your saying. But personally I think it is under rated! But I think the people who "overrate" it have deep connections with the water and ocean around it, I know I do. I sit out there every day for hours even when the water is c**p, but never get bored.

    It takes a while to love it, learning kinda sucks unless you start on a longboard because you are guaranteed to catch a wave.

    Definately try it! Even if you think it's overrated and it may just change your mind!

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