
Is It a Good Idea To Wear Fur This Winter To Protest High Energy Costs?

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Or Email, Fax and Write Congress about Drilling our Own Oil and Make Alternatives Less Expensive?




  1. where can i get Pokemon games for my pc for free

  2. i did just that over five years ago, but since I live in the "cradle of Civilization", Mississippi none of our Congresspeoples did anything and yes i even told them to add a 5 cent tax to the gas at that time, too bad they didn't, would be no problem now.

    I am glad that finally after e-mailing the news stations to put someone on that knows about driling, that some have and instead of it taking 10-15 years for the product to come on line it wil take less than a year to spued, drill and deliver the oil and are natural gas.  I mean i told them that media people don't their you know what from a hole in the ground, that here we can drill a well,set the concrete and have the oil tanks set up up in less than four months and then haul it out by truck,so that 10 year stuff was for the birds.  Actually I don't even think the birds would believe that.

    Also there are thousands of wells that were shutin when the oii fell to $10 and now would be very profitable.  So they can have a ton of oil on line and flowing in no time.  Also they said the same think abut Alaska and that it would run out in 6 months, but think about this why would you spend over a billion to build a pipeline if it would run out in six months, in that case just haul it out.

    I wonder sometimes if these fringe groups like the environmentalist are hooked up with our enemies.  We have the most rules and regs about spillage at the wells and other countries just throw the stuff on the ground, so they have gone too far.  When you consider we produced 70% of our oil needs here in the 70s and now only 35%, it seems the environmentalist have done their job, but no long.

    Americans have been waking up to the brain washing the media and these tiny groups of nuts in all sectors have been hood winking us with for decades.  I guess the next thing will be the hate crime stuff.  When yo consider one minority accounts for 95% of all iterrracial assualts against all other races in the States, then maybe they should be the ones who are charged with "hate crimes".

    Now as far as the fur, man has been using that since the dawn of man and I doubt if one of the fruitcakes that throw paint on women in fur coats would do it to a man or much less to a caveman who might just get mad.  But this to is a good idea and another fringe group and media bashing something that has been around from the dawn of man.  Maybe next they will tell people they can't make mad passionate love and really get thrown out of the boat.

    Yea I suggest writng our congress, but I figure you get more done if you start a lobbyist firm,hire their family and hand over those crisp new hundred dollar Ben Franklins, least that is how it works now.  Although each one has someone document the amount of calls, mail and e-mails they get on different subjects and the sqeauky wheel gets the oil, so not a bad idea.  still 10-15 years, they must really think everyone here went to public schools.  Ha.  Naw just kidding Take care.

  3. Wear fur if you can afford it. I have a red fox stroller and I love it. It's really warm.

  4. People are going to wear warm coats this winter anyway. Its not going to make much of a political statement. I've never been big for fur, even faux fur, I prefer wool coats.

  5. No, it's not.

  6. That is a wonderful idea.

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