
Is It illegal To Carry A Small Bottle Of Pepper Spray At School For Self Protection?

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Recently, I have been having issues with a girl at school who is calling me racist toward mexicans, and of course, i'm not. She thinks she's Mexican(btw, she's white) and hangs out with a big group of Mexican girls who are know for being tough and beating people up. Trust me, these girls are scary looking! I'm taking the school bus to school and back this year, but some days, I might walk with a few of my friends from school. I am afraid they are going to try and beat me up or something and I was just wondering, Is It illegal to carry pepper spray on a key chain if you are a minor, and if it is not, where can i purchase some?





  1. LOL we tend to tell police if asked that it is intended for wild dogs or bears. Then if we somehow wind up HAVING to use it on a human in self-defense, well that was just necessary, not the intent.

    Your school probably wont buy that argument. Only human animals there. You are better off speaking to someone about your fears of assault.

  2. It is probably not against any criminal law, but it is almost certainly prohibited by the school and could result in being expelled.  Pepper spray can be purchased at all sorts of places, including drug stores, grocery stores, auto parts stores, etc.  

  3. Illegal in most states; and totally going to get you suspended and/or kicked out of school if you get caught with it/or God forbid using it.

    Talk to a guidance councilor.

  4. I don't know for sure but i don't think so. it's just self protection

    btw - get assistance with your problem.... its serious and actually something you should tell and adult. I know i sound like an idiot but I'm in high school and i think its better if you get help with it.

    good luck

  5. Each state has different laws regarding pepper spray.  It is legal in most states to carry a small container for self defense, however it is considered a weapon and so its possession and use is regulated.  You would also want to check with the school,  because the school likely has rules against it.  

    If you are really worried about this girl, have you gone to anyone at the school and told them of your concerns?  Have you spoken with your parents?  You might want to try speaking with an adult about this problem before you consider anything like pepper spray.  

  6. your have the right to bare arms  

  7. Most schools have an anti-weapon policy and they don't give second chances. NO matter what. A kid had a butter knife in his locked car at my sons high school. One of those great kids who never got in trouble in his life. The butter knife was from a camping trip where they made sandwhiches. It was in the hatch of his car by the other camping gear. It had old food stuck onto it. He got kicked out of school. He was not allowed to come back. Had to go to one of those schools for delinquents. Truly sad. Mothers protested, but got no where.

    Pepper spray is a weapon. You could be kicked out of school for good. Different states have different rules, but many states have made pepper spray illegal to carry. You need to contact your police department and simply ask. They can't come check on you if you simply ask. You don't even need to give your name. Call the non emergency line, it's in your phone book.  

  8. lol its illegal in all middle or high schools you can be suspended or expelled. As far as college I think u can have it.

  9. as long as you dont go spraying everyone you will be fine to have it. It is for your own protection.  

  10. Pepper spray is regulated by the State, so whether or not it's legal depends on where you are. In addition, school rules may well forbid carrying it on school property - and probably do.


  11. I might get chastised for saying this, but I would keep it and not tell anyone. The last thing you need is to get jumped with no way of protecting yourself.  

  12. Check with your school's weapons policy.  If it is not spelled out in the school policy, call the school board office and ask.

    I bought some on Ebay.

    Good luck, hon.

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