
Is It illegal for a teacher to have you added on facebook?

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My teacher has me added on facebook. Now I am in a higher grade level but at one time I had her added while she still taught me. And she still teaches at the same school. Can she get in trouble?




  1. It's legal, but you are tip toeing up to the line of inappropriateness.  Be careful, especially her.

  2. No its not illegal. As long as its on a professional level then its alright.

  3. No. It is legal for teachers and students to be friends on facebook.

  4. Teacher or not, anyone can add you.

    There's nothing wrong with a teacher and student being friends anyway. So no, she won't get into any trouble, and it is not "illegal" to add a student as your friend.  

  5. no i think it's fine

  6. my retarded principal said we can't have facebooks (but everyone does, including me) and she has one. she's the biggest hypocrite.

  7. i dont see why not? as long as its not used for any sort of inappropriate realtionship between the teacher and student.

  8. no..... nothing suspicious about that

  9. I don't think so, as long as its not sexual harassment

  10. It's actually frowned upon for teachers to even have myspace or facebook accounts at all. It's not illegal, but the school boards usually prefer teachers not to make them. My teachers told my class about this when one of the students asked if a teacher had a facebook account and if they could add him. I'm sure it's related to the issue of those teacher's who had affairs with their underage students.

  11. No

  12. no. i have my gym tecaher on my friends list. and i wont see him any more. but if you enjoyed being in her class then sure keep her. if not shoo her off. she cant do nothing bout that. its just a site.

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