
Is It illegal to grow Cocaine in South America?

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Are places like Peru and Brazil allowed to have cocaine?

if they are, are they allowed to import it to other places ?




  1. You can't grow cocaine, your question should be if it is illegal to grow coca, the plant from which cocaine is derived. In some countries it is legal to grow coca since the indians use it for hundred of years for other reasons. It is not the case of Brazil, I don't know about Peru. I know that in Bolivia it is allowed to grow coca. But you can't export or import it. Cocaine is forbiten in all countries in South America.

  2. grows naturally...its illegal to cultivate it as a money crop...

  3. Cocaine may be legal in some countries in Southern America. But most of the time it's usually drug kingpins who have the local govt's look the other way.

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