
Is It normal for A 16 year old to WANT to be prago?

by Guest21486  |  earlier

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My best Friends keeps having s*x so she can get pregnant. She is In Love with kids and babysits almost every day every week. she told me she would do anything to have a kid Now.... her ex dumped her Because she wanted to have s*x with no condom so she would get Pregnant. no i want to know if it Really normal or is she Crazy? she claims its normal!




  1. No. That's not normal!

  2. It's normal for a teenage girl to love children and many do like to daydream about having children. It is NOT normal for one to really try to do it. I wouldn't say she is crazy, she is probably looking for someone to love her unconditionally (the baby). Unfortunately, if she does become pregnant, she will most likely regret it. Can you tell her parents or another trusted adult about this? Someone should really try to at least make her realize how her life will change and how hard it will be if she has a baby.

  3. Its normal to have the maternal feelings, but she is waaaayyy to young if she thinks that she is ready for a baby now. She is also acting very selfish.

    For instance, her parents will be the ones raising the child,

    she wants a baby to make HERSELF feel good, maybe she wants the unconditional love of a child, but she is not really thinking of the child, mainly herself. She wants the baby to fill some void, but a baby is a living thing, and isnt meant to solve some ones self esteem issue.

    She needs to finish school, get a job, and grow up.

    She will be glad she did

  4. Not normal...

    My mum had me when she was 25!

    She could adopt or wait until she finishes school and has a decent job,married,has a house,has enough money to care for it,has commitment and actually is old enough like in her mid twenties.

  5. Yes she is crazy and no it's not normal  for a 16 year old girl to want to be prego. firstly if she's trying to get pregnant that means she is having unprotected s*x and with all of the STD's these days, getting pregnant should be the last thing on her mind she is not playing with a full deck she still has to get out of high school and get a job to take care of this baby she tryna bring into this world babysitting and having your own baby are two different things wit babysitting you can give the baby back not when the baby is yours you stuck with it 24/7 what your friend is doing is not cute at all. there are other things she needs to b focusing on besides opening her legs trying to get pregnant

  6. Its normal for teens,  your friend probably feels unloved and wants someone to love her unconditionally.....alot of lonely girls want a baby...Just tell her to wait and have a set career b4 she gets a baby...and once she has a babyshe cant go out anywhere or do anything!! Tell her to watch Baby Borrowers(tv show) and maybe she will think twice b4 she has a baby...It is nothing like babysitting!!!!

  7. It sounds like your friend has a void she hopes to fill with a baby. She may be a great mom one day, but at 16, she's not financially or emotionally stable. It's unlikely but possible that she's not physically prepared to carry a baby either. If she wants to provide for her future children and be the best mom she can when that time comes, she should think about finishing school and going on to college. (She should also watch "Baby Borrowers" to get an idea of what real parenthood is like. Babysitting is not the same!!)

  8. Too bad for her, because she sounds like she had a smart guy with her ex.  

    No, this is NOT "normal" behavior, although it is more common than it used to be.'

    I think a lot of girls want "someone" to love, and they have the WRONG view that a baby will be the answer.

    They have NO idea the time, energy, money, selflessness, etc. that goes into having a baby.

    Also, is she even thinking that this is at LEAST an 18 YEAR deal???

    Babies aren't babies for very long.  Then, she'll have to "terrible twos" which last longer than they used to.

    Also, has she considered what she will do if she has a baby with Down's Syndrom?  

    All of these thing are practical things that I'm almost POSITIVE have not crossed her mind.

    I feel for the poor boy who is going to end up the father of her baby if she ends up pregnant.  I'm sure she hasn't thought about THAT either.

    This is ALL about HER!  DISGUSTING!

    A word of advice for you, find new best friends, before some of this idiocy rubs off on you.  Because here you are on here wanting to know if this is NORMAL!  It's not.

    I hope you concentrate on school and getting where you need and want to be, and GET MARRIED before you think about bringing a child into this world, because that is the responsible thing to do (for yourself and a baby.)

  9. its normal she wants a baby . but she;'' see how hard it is. and all the fun she is gonna lose. let her do what she wants its her life. and a baby is a blessing not a toy doll. does she have a job?  

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