
Is It right for a child to be able to cross the street?

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I am trying to get my 5 year old daughters Kylie and Kaylee to cross the street to there bus stop.Is it safe because I trust that they will be able to go to the cross walk,and cross when the cars stop and when the sign says stop.I am confused to changing the stop or letting them cross




  1. no because they might go across the street and get hit

  2. 5 years olds (weather they are across the street or not) should not be left at the stop alone! Ever! Unless you can see them the entire time. Have you ever seen a kindergartner at a stop with out their parent. Most school departments require parents to be present at drop off too or the kids don't get off the bus. Kids usually are taught to do it (cross safely) around 7 and even then you must be sure that they not only cross the road safely but know how to stay safely to the side on the road without having any impulse (something falls into the road) to step into the road. Also they need to have skills to keep themselves safe. Skills that will thwart any possible kidnapping situations. I don't know where you live but another thing to think about is, how dark out is it in the winter at the time the kids are getting on the bus? Around these parts it is still pretty dark, especially in inclement weather.

    Hope this helps.

  3. I would never allow my 5 year old child to cross a busy street by herself. Anything could happen.

    You should always assist them when they cross the street.

    Maybe you could hire an older student to meet your children at your home and assist them to cross the street teaching them safe laws at the same time.

  4. It is safe if you teach them how to be safe while crossing the street.

  5. She's way too young to cross by herself , but you can teach her to look both ways & watch for cars.

  6. I have a 5 yr old girl who is very responsible and intelligent, I trust her, it's everyone else I don't trust. Would definitely not let them cross by themselves nor stand at the bus stop by their selves. There is a time to become independent and 5 isn't it.

  7. This is very unsafe and people what to know why bad things happen to children, please dont let them cross by themselves......

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