
Is It to late for me to learn violin at my age rite now, btw i'm 23 years old.?

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i already can play guitar well... and i play classical with the guitar... but violin was my favourite instrument since i was a child... i already knoe how to read music notes so do i still need to attend in any violin classes?... your answer will help me to determine if i should buy a violin tomorrow for my birthday (own satisfaction)... since i was a kid i never had a chance to own and play a violin...




  1. if you were 110, probably.. bear in mind that  it will take you longer once you pass the 16 year old barrier.

    ask your self what do you wnat to do wiht the violin..

    if you wnat to become a master classical violinist and have everyone paying a fortune to see you wiht the japanese philarmonic... you are late. you should have started 20 years ago.

    but if you want to enjoy the instrument and learn to play some tunes or play with others, its never late.

    its a rough intrument to begin wiht, just getting the right notes will take you weeks of 2 hours practices, (just to get the same effect of pressing a key on a piano)...if you pass that brick wall in a year from now, youll be enjoying your instrument.

    avoid shortcuts, do what your teacher tells you no matter how hard, you will end up saving time..and youll get results sooner than trying anything else.

  2. its never too late to learn the violin or anything good for that matter. violin isnt that hard i self taught myself with books and the internet and im only 14

  3. no its never to late. i know a few ppl who just started. all you need is a little patience and time.

  4. Of course not!!!

    Go for it!!

    Good luck!


  5. Its NEVER to late!

    As a child I played the violin. Once I got in to high school I made the HUGE mistake of quitting! But recently I picked it back up. I play piano and guitar as well, but trust me violin is a difficult instrument. You most defiantly can learn to play but I would advise you to take lessons, the violin and the guitar are actually quite different. Good Luck, God Bless!

  6. No,I don't think you are too old to learn the "VIOLIN"

    Go For It,In friendship Suzanne............

  7. No---of course not.

    I play violin, it rocks! ^^

    I plan on learning many more instruments when I'm older (sax,  oboe, piano, guitar etc...)

  8. if a man oldder than you can, then why not?

    plus it all dependes on you and your skills, but remember to be a great preformer you only have to practice more and more; remeber that the practice makes the master.

  9. No it's not too late.....go for it. I play and teach classical guitar myself and violin is my second favorite instrument.....I've played guitar for a little over thirty five years and I'm still sorry that I didn't also study violin.....I still say that one day I'm going to buy one and start lessons !!!!!!! It's never too late for anything that you want to do, and your already familiar with music notation and playing guitar, so you'll probably learn this with no problem. I think this Christmas I'm going to finally do it and get myself a violin, see that you've inspired me !!!!!!!

  10. It is never too late to learn! While nothing can replace a great private teacher, you can start or supplement with free violin lesson instructional videos at

  11. its is never to late to learn! all that matters is how much you love the violin and that is the thing that will take you very far in the future

    not to mention you play guitar, so you will b fine because you have an advantage

    just relax, and best of luck!


  12. its never too late to learn somthing new.

  13. It's never too late! I've started students on violin and cello who were much older than you. I am currently teaching a beginner who started at age 60.

    I would recommend finding a teacher to get you started. Developing good technique is important. If you're just playing for fun and don't really care to stick with lessons you can always quit later, but you will save yourself a lot of frustration if you have a professional get you started.

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