
Is Italy a safe place to live?

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Is Italy a safe place to live?




  1. If you are coming from the US the Italy would be considered a very safe place.

  2. Yes, it is safe, but it depends where you go

  3. It depends in which part of the city you go to live, anyway I live in Milano and have no problem

  4. probably the south of italy it' s less safe than north but this situation, could be change in relationship with the zone. 4 example naples ,above all, in some zones it's very dangerous... rome, it's less have to pay attenction to pickpockets in the center, on the bus or metro, but in general is quite advice.if you catch a taxi check the price and the rate biecause some taxi drivers usually use to round off the price... in the north i dont know very well but i remember that are diffused thefts in houses... above all in the north west...(in veneto 4 example)

  5. It depends!

    ROME is the safest european capital (by statistic 0,4 homicides per 100.000 inhabitant). Amsterdam, by statistic, is the most dangerous (4 homicides per 100.000 inhabitant)

    Toscana, Emilia Romagna, Umbria, Marche, are safe regions

    Napoli, Palermo, and southern city are not safe.

  6. Keep in mind that Italy is divided between the north and south. I lived in Northern Italy, which was considered safer than say, Napoli (Naples). Almost every home is gated, and the gypsies that would occasionally come by respected the gate. If they tried to sell their wares, they would remain outside of the gate, using the buzzer to alert of their presence.

    Friends in Napoli, however, told of numerous and repeated break-ins of both car and residence. We ourselves were targeted just outside of Napoli, in Pompeii, by moped bandits. They stalked us on mopeds while driving our car, with my kids and wife inside (I was driving). They attempted to steal a bag at my wife's feet while stopped at a red light. All the would-be thief got was a bruised jaw and ego...I bet he will think twice before he takes on another American-plated car with a Christian fish sticker on the trunk.

    Overall, Italy was VERY safe, depending on where. I would go back to live in an instant, if I could. I NEVER worried about my kids disappearing. Petty crime was somewhat of a concern in urban areas, but nothing like it is in the US.


  7. I lived for 4 months in Florence and had no problems at all. I walked on the streets alone (even by night) and nobody ever approached me with doubtful intentions. I traveled a lot in Italy and I have never had problems ... until I went to Naples. It was a student camp, we were students from all over Europe and the Italian organizers never allowed us to walk alone in the city. First of all, they told the girls not to go alone and also if we had to go without them (the organizers) to go in big groups and never enter the Spanish Quarters. Plus, one night the school were we were lodged was attacked by a group of dangerous guys who saw (by the big windows) a lot of pretty girls getting ready for the disco. SO, the general impression was a negative one and a lot of Italians from other regions advised me never to go southern than Rome.  (Though I really really want to go to Sicily one day or another)

  8. It depends where you are.  Rome is full of pick pocketers.  But then again every city has it's security issue.

  9. You really need to compare it to somewhere you know - where are you now? Compared to most countries, Italy has a low crime rate and a good social system.

  10. Italian crime rate is very low, especially compared to the USA. I belive that the latest Interpol stats said that Italys crime rate is one fifth of the crime rate of the US and one third of the crime rate in Canada.

  11. aww  man..i would if i could....compared to the rest of the world i kno...which encompasses Africa and the Americas....well its a pretty d**n safe place to live...but would u want to live in paradise....or visit it...might get old after a while...

  12. yeah, it is....... down south is more dangerous, with mafia and such.....

    however in the past month half italy turned against the americans cuz we're building a new american airforce base in the veneto........they've assaulted americans (by they i mean the italian communists)........ but italy is beautiful,  and generally it's safe.....

  13. I'll be there for a year, so, I have done a lot of research. In general, Italy is a very safe place. The only real problem is petty pick pockets and thieves. Violent crime doesn't happen too often though.

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