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Has anyone ever noticed that on almost all the J.G. Wentworth commercials they change their phone number? I was wondering if this had anything to do with them being scam artists? Is their company real? Or bullshit.
They are not scam,they are Legit, http://www.structuredsettlementguide.org/jg-wentworth-scam/
Report (0) (0) | 10 years, 5 month(s) ago
How can anyone say they are legit just vecause they are big? What a moron. While they may be legit in a legal sense, they probably operate right on the edge of the law and defintely on the side of underhanded. and unsrupulous. They defintely take advantage of people and are a rip off. People can be such fools to engage in business with such a company.
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A fool and his money is soon parted. Especially when it comes to J.G. Wentworth.
JG wentworth is Legit...BUT IT IS A RIPOFF.....they take 50%..... not counting interest
If you have a loan to someone , etc...for 100,000... and u charge the person 8% interest for 10 years...... you still will only get 50% of the principal that is left. if you want all of your money now.
and lets say you have a insurance settlement of $500,000 but you want your money now... you will get 250,000. USE ONLY IF YOU HAVE NO OTHER RECOURSE
The process abuses the taxpayers. People who are injured and can not work sell their future benefits. After fees (30% or more) and taxes the amount is greatly reduced. Then it is spent in a few months leaving the taxpayers to support this person. Happens with lottery winners who are not disabled. They take the big settlement quit their job and then throw it away. They end up on welfare in a few years.
Thieves taking earned money from unsuspecting hard working individuals. jg worthless does not earn its money it steals it.
Latest activity: 10 years, 5 month(s) ago. This question has 23 answers.