
Is Jackson going to give his winnings to Forrest?

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During the tuf Jackson got mad about a decesion and told Griffin that they would not go to a desision when they fought. he said he would bet his fight purse on it.




  1. I caught that he said that but unless they agreed upon it there is absolutely no legal precedence.  At the least a head nod from Forrest acknowledging the bet would be required and good luck getting that one by a judge.  Some funny chit though haha

  2. We aren't supposed to believe he is a racist when he says that he got into MMA so he could beat up white people without getting in trouble so I guess we aren't supposed to believe him when he makes a boasting wager either.

    A lot of black fighters like to run their head in the old showmanship tradition of Ali...nothing new there.  The moral victory of seeing him getting out fought and having to eat that big fat plate of crow is priceless.

    I honestly don't think he is a bad guy...immediately after the fight he showed some humility and class, but that was over by the time the press conference came around.

    EDIT: ifigureditout would do well to consider that the law often permits what honor forbids in the affairs of men.

  3. griffin should let himkeep it sort of settling out of court for ******* up his leg so bad


  4. usha!

  5. They got that crazy m**o on tape saying that stuff.  I hope he does guy got 60,000 extra for fight of the night anyway.

  6. I was just thinking the same! supposedly Quinton has the weorst  memory in the world so I am guessing he is going to deny he ever said that.

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