
Is Jagermeister a good tasting drink???

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Is Jagermeister a good tasting drink???




  1. It tastes like black licorice.  It is better cold.  Keep in the freezer.

  2. I think it tastes gross, but like the other person said after a few it tastes alright.

  3. jager does not taste like licorice, sambucca tastes like licorice. Jager for me personally is a very harsh weird tasting drink and would only shot it if you wanted the buzz you get from it and also i dont like red bull so i cant do jager bombs but they arnt the greatest tasting drink either!

  4. Im not a huge fan but it grows on u.  hahah JagerBOMBZ

  5. deff tatse like cough syrup... people like it because they are inexperienced and do not know what great drinks are out there jegermister is supposed to be an apertif' but its just bad!! very sticky too! i do not recomend it!

  6. i personally dont like the taste but its always better when mixed with monster [the enegry drink]...

    as in the jager-bombs.. when mixing caffeine and alcohol you get the best outta both...

  7. try it and find out

  8. it tastes liek black jelly beans

  9. oh man that stuff was made by the devil himself! ugh...

    it tastes disgustingly strong (although the licorice aspect is win)... but if you had a bunch of beers first, then it's

  10. OMG. Jag is my favorite kind of alcohol! I think it's delicious. It tastes a little like licorice. It is said to be an aphrodisiac!! ooh la la! But anyway...if you are a little wary of it, try taking a shot and then chasing it with Red Bull.

  11. After a couple

  12. Tastes just like Nyquil to me.

  13. I don't think so.

  14. For the same money, try Barenjager honey liqueur. Jagermeister tastes like gooey cough syrup.

  15. If you like licorice you will LOVE it!

    Try will redbull :]

  16. You really need it have a taste for licorice, but I personally opt for it first.  There is also 'gieger shots w/ red bull, and I know a lot of people who can only drink it that way but I don't like it.  I forget what they're called anyway.  The best I've had it it was served at 38 degrees, or actually when I threw it in the snow bank for a few hours this winter.  It was Negative 10 out so it was pretty chilled.  The colder the better though, than feel the burn!

  17. My favorite drink. I love it. Just make sure you put it in the freezer and get it nice and cold first, or else it isn't too great tasting.

  18. I use to think it taste like the old brown Vicks formula 44 cough syrup..

  19. If you do drink it, I would suggest having it in a Jager-bomb. Definitely the best way to shoot it!

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