
Is Jamie Mac A Doosh Or What?

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OK, I can admit that Jr. has made some doosh mistakes in his career, but seriously, (Jamie McMurray fans included) how much of a dooshbag move was doing what he did to Dale Jr.? As far as I saw Jr. did nothing wrong. In fact, in being the first car on pit road they probably could've won.

Jamie fans, Jr. fans, NASCAR fans, what's your take on this? Is Jr. guilty, is Jamie guilty, is it just racing? I think it's maybe 95% Jamie Mac's fault and 5% Jr.'s.

(And don't just defend your favorite driver)




  1. i heard Jr likes it in the rear end anyways...

  2. douche bag

  3. What the h**l was Junior still doing in the racing groove going as slow as he was.  He gave no indication he was pitting and just slowed on the track,  He was not under the line.  He should have had a hand out the window or something.

  4. So whoever gets into Jr is the next most hated driver?

  5. If you don't want to get hit, stay out of the way, because you are going to get moved if you are slower than the guy behind you. He was still on the racing surface. I know I'll get thumbs down but if you Jr. fans needs to open your eyes, or maybe you just don't know anything about racing. Just because you watch it on TV don't mean you know anything about it. You root for the name and sponsor and not for the sport. I doubt if 60 percent of Jr. fans can name 20 other drivers that are on the track with him. You've probably only been a fan for like one year that watched the media hype up Jr. and so you thought he was automatically the best, correct?

  6. i blame the spotters.

  7. I think Junior's spotter is guilty. I believe that if he would have done his job of telling the spotters of the drivers that were around Jr. this could have been prevented. Jamie couldnt see through the 10 that he was trying to pass. I believe they were both innocent and Juniors spotter is the guilty one. They both could have possibly won or had better positions and Jamie definately wanted a better finish after what happened last week. It wasnt intentional.

  8. I think it was Jr's fault along with his spotter. JM was on the gas and Jr just cut down too fast in his line.

  9. i have to agree... except it isn't junior's fault it is the spotters fault because it sounds like junior's spotter didn't say anything or didn't make sure everyone knew... jamie was stupid for trying to hug the apron where pit entrance is... he was stupid

  10. This site is becoming more of a rant site than a q&a site.  Why don't you idiots just go to the speed forum and do all this stupid s**t on there?

  11. Jr. is guilty. The dude needs to give a signal that he's pitting. You actually think Jamie ran into him on purpose just so he could say he wrecked God?

  12. You're telling us not to defend our favorite driver and yet you're CLEARLY being biased to Jr? "Hey pot, I'm kettle, you're black."

    It was a racing deal, spotter error. Jr. didn't know that McMurray was down there, and McMurray didn't know that Jr, was gonna slide down like that. Nobody was at fault but the spotters.

  13. Spotters fault if they didn't spot that one coming!

  14. he needs to open his eyes thats all

  15. You think Jamie did that on purpose? both cars got trashed It was an accident. p.s. not a 26 or 88 fan.

  16. Jeffy and I must not be watching the same race... obviously junior was way down on the apron when Jamie hit him... he wasnt paying attention and was looking ahead on the track like he said... I think mcmurray is a horrible driver.

  17. Kyle D ~ That's right you weren't watching the same race. You were watching through your "Jr does no wrong" glasses.

    Jeffy hit it. Jr waited too late to pull over to the apron to pit. Jamie Mac was already there. If you want to blame someone blame the spotters. It was a racing inicident that should have not happened.

  18. You sound like a 10 year old. Junior showed no signs that he was pitting, Jamie was a victim. Would you like a lemon wedge with your whine

  19. Read the label on the package again.

    It's spelled "douche"

  20. Well I think it was actually the spotters fault! Jamie is not a dirty driver he ain't gonna wreck someone on purpose! It was a racing accident! If that would have been the other way around if Jr would have hit Jamie would it have been Jr's fault or the spotter's fault! Jamie is not a dirty driver so get off his case!!!!!! I am not just defending Jamie because he drives for Jack Roush either! If he said he didn't see Jr then why can't we all believe that! If you weren't there and seen out of Jamie's eyes then you don't know if he could see Jr or not!!!! Bring on the Thumbs down by the way I don't care! Jay Mac is a cool guy!! I think he is goin to win next week!!

  21. I blame the spotters, mostly Jr.'s for not getting the word out that his driver was pitting.

  22. Jr. was going down pit road and Jamie wasn't. Jamie did not want to wreck a top 15 run.

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