
Is Jeet Kune Do superior to most martial arts?.. or is it limited?

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Is Jeet Kune Do superior to most martial arts?.. or is it limited?




  1. Any martial art is only as good as it's practitioner, if you find that it is not comfortable for you, then it is not a good art for you.  I have heard many people comment on JKD philosophy, so I don't know what is and isn't true.

    I have practiced a Combat art for 36 years (Krav Maga) and it has never failed me.  I study both a Combat and a Martial art, both fit me and my temprement, I enjoy both of them.  I see how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together.

    I don't know if there is a best Martial/Combat art, just good, well trained, competent practioners.  Recently I have seen how the pieces of Tai Chi (Wu style) fit in with Combat SAMBO which fit in with Krav Maga....

    Bruce Lee once said martial arts are like water flowing over a rock,  I think that any martial art of arts that have you flowing smoothly is great.

    Is JKD the best martial art, who knows, for you it maybe, the JKD instructor near me is not so good, and it is the quality of instruction that really helps you bring out the best you can be.

  2. Guys, please explain to me where you get your information about what JKD is or isn't?

    I have spent 30 years training in what you call a theory, a concept, an idea. It has kicks like other martial arts, punches like other martial arts, blocks like other martial arts. Where is does differ is in how it makes very clear what its aims and driving forces are

    People often quote what Bruce said about JKD being or not being an art without understanding what was going on at the time. He feared it would be corrupted and exploited and become uncontrollable.

    Why do people who have taken at most a few classes believe they are fit to comment on an art that many people have studied for many years. Go on to youtube and try viewing tommy carruthers and see what his 'theories/concepts/ideas' look like. They look like a very fast, very efficient martial art.

    Now to answer the question....

    Is it superior to most martial arts? In some ways yes but in other ways no. If you want a very fast, very efficient martial art which is quick to learn and quick to assimilate then JKD is superior. If you are looking for something with a traditional background, competition, aesthetic beauty then no.  People have different needs and those needs can be met wonderfully with JKD while others would find it sadly lacking.

    Is it limited? Yes, it is limited by its limitless nature. We only practice a fraction of the techniques used in other arts. In practise this means we repeat the same techniques in different situations or use different drills to sharpen those weapons. HOWEVER, Bruce taught about the 'daily decrease' and this takes practise and research. So while we train we are aiming to cut down the movement to the barest minimum and trimming fractions of a second from a technique, increasing power, cutting down telegraphy, etc. No one would claim to be a JKD master, its not in our nature.

  3. JKD is a PHILOSOPY and approach to studying martial arts,

    it is NOT a martial art.

    jkd is the philosopy of using "what works for YOU".

    many teachers unscrupulously use the term JKD for marketing purposes to capitalize on bruce lee's popularity as a martial arts actor and theorist.

    most JKD schools teach legitimate stuff, but it isn't "JKD" or what works for you, it is a mish mash of kickboxing, some jiujitsu and the like, likely what worked for the instructor teaching it and you are copying his stuff. not that its bad training, its just not jkd if you are studying what worked for someone else and not doing anything on your own by picking up things from other styles and teachers and dumping what doesn't work.

    maybe your instructor is a short and stocky guy, and you are a tall person with a great reach advantage giving you different abilities and approach to fighting than him.

    what works for him, might not work for you, and vice versa.

    IMO- you should learn it, then make the informed decision to focus elsewhere- but thats another story.

    I will say that the MENTALITY of jkd- using what works for you, is superior to NOT having that mentality and sticking with only one art and limiting yourself.

  4. There is no such thing as a superior art.

  5. No style is superior to all others. If there was such a thing we would all study that style.

    Docroy:  I appreciate you answer. I too get tired of answers from people that at best have only a distorted view of subjects they comment on.

  6. JEET KUNE DO is a theory more than an art, and basically all it is is striking first.  Intercept your opponent before they strike.   Jeet Kune Do+ the art of the intercepting fist.  So it is really a theory used in almost all martial arts

  7. No style is superior than the other. What you need to know and remember is, is that no matter how much you train and drill the movement in your head and body. In an actual confrontation. You only use about 12% of what you know. Unless you know how to really keep your cool. But all styles have their weaknesses.

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