
Is Jeff Kent the biggest jerk in Baseball?

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Is Jeff Kent the biggest jerk in Baseball?




  1. Like previously stated, him and AJ Pierzynski. (Yes, I'm sure I spelled that wrong)

    They're just plain a~holes.

  2. i agree with djyanks but flip the order

    he totally cheated the angels out of the series...

  3. I say that title still goes to Roger Clemens.

  4. No, AJ Pierzynski is. But Kent is right up there too

  5. yes, without a doubt..there isn't even a close second place

  6. agreed

  7. I Agree a 100% with DJYANKS2!!

  8. I always thought he was until I met the guy, and he is actually pretty funny.

  9. Why would you say that?  The guy is a future hall of famer who hates to lose and is not afraid to tell it like it is.  There is nothing wrong with that.

  10. Duh... There's someone called Barry Bonds. And for all of you who want to say, well, he's not playing now. I know. But he isn't retired either. Manny Rameirez comes in a distant second.

  11. Him and AJ Perzinski. I dunno if thats how you spell it though

  12. ya him, aubry huff and aj perzinski are the biggest jerks in baseball followed  by manny

  13. nope Aubrey Huff the guy is a prick

  14. He's a jerk, but not even the biggest one on the Dodgers.

  15. Hes a prick

  16. I don't think so

  17. No, Barry Bonds, A.J Perzynski, then Josh Beckett before he matured

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