
Is Jellyfish venom still lethal after it dies?

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Is Jellyfish venom still lethal after it dies?




  1. yes it is, it doesnt sting what it does it when you have contact with its skin it releases the poison, then it affects you

  2. yes very much so. if it was lethal when it was alive then it would still be lethal when its dead.

  3. only if the jellyfish was lethal while it was alive.. but yes severed or dead tenticles can still sting you.. unless cooked as they are in certain asiatic dishes

    no.. they do 'sting'

    pneomatocycsts inject tiny thread like barbs into your skin and release venom at the tips so that they are deeper in the wound and more likely to enter the bloodstream

  4. Well, I've heard that Jelly fish can still STING after it dies... but not sure about the lethal part..

  5. Agree with all the previous  posters,  a definite yes based on experience also. Local paper here in Florida ran an article on getting stung, a credit card scraped on the spot will pull a few of the barbs out. P**ing  on the area  is an urban  legend. A new stuff called Jellyfish-Squish  seems to be working. I suspect it's some liquid meat tenderizer.

  6. Yes, the venom is still there, but the jellyfish can't produce more.

    Why are you asking? Have you been stung?

    Go to the hospital straight away!

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