
Is Jerry Collins joining Bath?

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Is Jerry Collins joining Bath?




  1. Not sure but Collins has said he'd not want to join a big time team. He'd want to join and help a small union. He's not out for the money nor the lime light but for life experience

  2. No idea but no contact has bee made by Jerry COllins or his representitives about an early release from his NZRU contact. But Collins has made it publicly known he is not a fan of Graham Henry's rotation policy and has also made it known that some stage in his career he wants to play in europe.

  3. no

  4. Jerry Collins is pretty honest and if he was he would just come right out and say it I think.

  5. JC has expressed interest in playing for a European Rugby club, in the near future. HOWEVER he has not contacted the NZRU for an early release from his contract at the end of 2009. Yes he does have an outclause in his contract, but it can only happen after June 1 2008, after the AB squad is named.

    If he leaves early good luck to him, I hope the NZRU enforces the contract, and gets a payout from the club that wants him.

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