
Is Jerry Yang nuts for rebuffing Microsoft?

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Is Jerry Yang nuts for rebuffing Microsoft?




  1. It depends on who you ask, and what the ultimate result turns out to be.  If you ask the same question today after several shareholder lawsuits are filed, you'll get one answer.  Wait another three months and see what the stock price turns out to be and whether there is another potential suitor... you may get a completely different answer.

    Just ask Bear Stearns major shareholders how fast things can change.

  2. singapore nuts are worth SGD $600k +++ per nut only. ask around everyone knows.

  3. in corporate restructuring, M&A, all these are very common - business world will move on- all are the process

  4. Yes.  Yang will be gone in less than a year as Yahoo! stock continues to tumble.  Microsoft WILL get Yahoo! in a year or less.

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