
Is Jesse Jackson going to be investigated by the Seret Service for his comment about Obama?

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Seems to me that wanting to cut off someone's private parts signifies a significant threat to a presidental candidate and should be treated seriously with a full investigation of the offender.




  1. Oh no! wouldn't that be racism???? He's black you know.

  2. He should be. A threat is a serious matter.

  3. He should be watched.

    Did anyone REALLY listen to his 'apology' yesterday. It was buried, as usual, in a bunch of non-sense rhetoric, totally diverting from this issue. and he keeps doing the same on the talk show circuit this morning. Apology, I don't think so.

  4. na, he is black and black people can do what they want if they have enough money

  5. What are you talking about? Are you watching Faux news? He didn't say any such thing. He said Obama talks down to black people off camera off mic. But they got hold of this and spread it as only Faux can do. Frankly Jesse talks so much bull that it's hard to understand him. I think he does more harm then good. It's the old school idea that whites are keeping blacks down. The fact is most whites are not even aware of this and most blacks are keeping themselves down. With bad attitudes like not telling on Gangs that take advantage of them and murder their children. Fathers leaving and failing to raise their children and kids who don't bother to get an education because they think they will make it big in Basketball or music or drug dealing. Going for the bling. Like Chris Rock says when Black people get money they buy rims. This is why they don't have wealth. Save perhaps Oprah who has wealth and does a lot. Because of her I read Obama's book and I saw what type of man he is. I voted for him. I will vote for him again. Do yourself a favor don't watch Faux news. These people are insane and just want to harm you and give every cent to oil companies and the rich corporations. If they were worried about big government they would abolish homeland security and the Patriot act.  They would stop giving government subsadies to oil companies who are making huge profits in the hundreds of billions of dollars. This is corporate welfare.

  6. What Jesse Jackson would not be legally justified at this time.

  7. Nah.he is just all mouth.

  8. He shouldn't be, because he is a washed up bitter man whose time has passed. stop giving the vitriol that rolls off his tongue any worth by just ignoring him. his time is passed, honor the mans achievments, but in the name of god, Jesse, just sit down and shut up and enjoy watching Barrak do some good. you're begining to act like my crazy uncle, and we ignore him too.

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