
Is Jessee Jackson a carbon copy of Rev. Wright?

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How can it be "unintentional" for a Polititian

to create Malicious gossip with the media on

a Presidential nominee, on race issues, and

then apologise, saying he did'nt mean to

make damaging statements, when he was

clearly shown discussing Senator Obama

and his take on "Dead beat Fathers" to a

congregation who listened attentively, and

why? is that offensive to any race. Did the

nominee say something that was untrue?

If it's anything Senator Obama addressed

an issue that requires change in every com-

munity, it happened to be said in a black

church on Father's day. I thought he spoke up then!




  1. It's the first time Jesse has spoken the truth.I would have never thought he liked Obama's nuts.

  2. I wonder what ol' Jesse has to say about Bill Cosby?

    He talked about fidelity & had his own "love child"

    He called NYC "Heime town"

    He's repeatedly done/said heinous things & STILL people listen him.

    JJ, shut up & retire.

  3. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farakhan, Wright...the list goes on. MLK must be turning in his grave.

    These guys have no morals whatsoever. 10 million dollar house for Wright. Sharpton's suits could feed a family for a month. They're all treated like royalty. Their only goal is to keep black/white antagonism going so they can feed off it like the parasites they are.

    And what really tics me off is the media lets these leeches spew their venom on the air all the time. Anyone with any sense would've discredited them years ago. What's it say about people who give support to them?

  4. At one time, Jesse Jackson found ways to make himself relevant. Unfortunately, he falls far short of his aspirations to greatness at the level of Dr. King, but he doesn't seem to realize that.

    Vindictiveness is difficult to overcome, I guess. I just wish the media would stay away from him altogether so that he could take the hint and retire.

  5. Jesse Jackson needs to keep his pie hole shut.

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