
Is Jesus Christ really crucified and resurrected?..?

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Is Jesus Christ really crucified and resurrected?.. What about the skulls and bones of a three men found in the Golgotha by the archeologist on the fast years? They were claim those bones and skulls are belongs to the two thieves and for Christ.




  1. Yeah... sure...  they just left them there <Jewish people dispose of the dead within 24 hours>

    Sure...  the Sun <son> died <set> and rose again...  just like always...  three days later <just like it does every year on the 25th of December> to bring renewed life...  as the sun begins it's trek north in the sky....   just like all the saviors based on astrology.

    If you dig around, you can find bones just about everywhere...  who actually says they "know" those are the bones of the two thieves?  

    Bovine Excrement.

  2. If the claim is that three random skulls found in a place called "Skullland" belonged to three specific people 2000 years ago, you'd better have a mountain of evidence.  I don't believe in the resurrection but that's a tough thing to establish.

  3. Many men were crucified there, during this time.

  4. Christians believe so on the other hand Muslims and Jews don't believe so  

  5. How would I know?

  6. Those were tall tales.

  7. Do you still believe in fairies?

  8. Sure...

    A cosmic zombie who was his own father got a Jewish teenager pregnant with himself so he could sacrifice himself to himself in order to sit beside himself in order to save the world from himself because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat fruit from a magical tree.

    But if you symbolically eat his flesh and telephathically tell him that you accept him as your master, he can remove the evil force in your soul that is present in all of humanity.

    Makes perfect sense.

  9. Absolutely!

  10. Come on!  Quit tearing down straw men!  Jesus was buried alone!  His body was never found after His resurrection!  If they had found His body, don't you think they would have exposed the resurrection as a fabrication?  It is the resurrection that the Jewish leaders hated the most, because these weak, scared followers suddenly became dynamic, outspoken preachers, and 1,000's of people became believers each time they spoke!  "Who moved the stone?"  What happened to these cowards that made them so bold?  Why would they be willing to die than to recant if they knew it was all a lie?

    What you need to ask yourself is, WHY are you so desperate to disprove the Gospel?  Are you afraid that if it's true that you'll have to change?  Do you really love your sins THAT much?  (Jesus said that the only reason people refuse to come to Him is, "because their deeds are evil, and they love the darkness over the light.")

  11. He was buried in a tomb not in Golgotha. Please read the Bible for confirmation on any one findings.

  12. Interesting seein that there were a great number of people crucified at that place. Christ was not the only one to die there. Plus all they have is speculation, no evidence at all. As well as the fact that people werent just left there to die, Jewish custom demanded that they be buried. Chances are these men werent Jewish and were just crucified there.

  13. Really crucified, for trying to overthrow the puppet government of his region.

    Never resurrected though.

  14. Cool!  How can i get the christ skull for my home?

  15. Let me tell you what is evidence enough. The disciples claimed to have been with Jesus, and they claimed that He rose from the dead after being crucified. They were not claiming something to be poplular, they were being persecuted for what they claimed. They knew that they would eventually die for this cause, but that did not stop them, because they knew it was the truth. They died for the Truth. No one will die for a lie when they know it's a lie. These men were witnesses of the event, and they still were willing to die for it. No one would choose to proclaim false news if it meant their life. People are always going to say whatever they can to prove the Bible wrong. They do this, because they do not want to submit to a ruler.

  16. Believe whatever you want. Jesus never existed. But that's just me.


  17. It don't really matter, Jesus told the thief that he would be in heaven with Him that day, and you are talking about the flesh bodies that were left behind.Jesus was placed in a tomb and they KNOW that He got out somehow even though guards were constantly guarding the tomb.

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