
Is Jesus a nice person? If he was living right now would you think he was a nice person?

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I wish he was living. I cry sometmes over it and to be honest I dont care what you all say. But this picture says everything. It is my favourite picture in the whole world and it shows how lovely Jesus is and how everyone loves him. I love him too.

and this one

and i know he is listening to me right now and is reading this. and is next to me. cos i can feel him next to me

thanks for your answers




  1. d**n, I was really hoping this was a joke and that the pictures would be amusing anti-religion type things, but no such luck...

    I am aware that I will be getting a million thumbs-downs from all those hardcore Christians out there, and I really couldn't give a flying monkey.

    All hail the Spaghetti Monster!

  2. Nicer than humans can comprehend.

    Jesus Christ is Alive!!!

    i Love Him too. He Loved us First!

  3. If I saw him coming, I would look busy real quick.

  4. He died on the cross for us. So he had to love us. So therefore he had to have been a nice person to anyone.

    Even when the soldiers tried to capture him to crucify him, Peter cut off one of their ears. Jesus got mad and told Peter to stop fighting back. Jesus eventually put the mans ear back on.

    When Jesus was about to die. He said his last words to wo men. The two men were also on the cross as well because they were convicts. One convict mocked Jesus and said "If you are Jesus save us all" and the other one said "Jesus when you go to heaven remember me" and Jesus told him "Today, you shall come too and me and you will meet in paradise."

    Yes, he's nice.

  5. the lord loves u soooooooooo much u know i have been going around all day trying to answer questions for un belivers and i have that first picture in my room  theses people r cursing the lord i would be soo vepressed and ur question and this picturre would cheer me up ur a great person and the lord will bleesss u sooog reatly i would love to talk more about it if u want but the main thing i want to say is the lord loves u  so much u cant imagine he loves u more then a lot of things so much that on the cross he was thinking of u he wants u to be like this always and i hope u shalll god blees u and the answer is yes he would be so nice that he would come down and die again just to save u god bless

  6. hello he is alive right now.the ressurection, budda, muhammad, confucios, etc... there all dead.

  7. He looks kinda european to me.

    Not dressed or coiffed like a good faithfull Jew of the era at all.

    Is there a particular reason he's portrayed like this?


  8. Oh dear, then don't look to the new digital mock ups on the web, of Jesus then. He looks a bit like a terrorist to most Americans.

    Seriously though, would I think him to be a nice person. Yes, very much so. He was a socialist revolutionary who discarded social stigmas of right and wrong. He was at the side of the sinner offering comfort in need. He was the ear of the people, he listened and did not judge.

    Would I think that he would even be recognized by most Christians today. Sadly no. He would not. People love to put words into the mouth of the dead. And in this case many are very wrong.

    If he was here and now, he would be appalled at the fact that 1/3 of the world is literally starving to death while the other 2/3 are fighting an obesity epidemic. Among other very human problems we have brought upon ourselves.

  9. I bet, he is mean to everyone who is not one of his followers


    Jesus is not God. God is a spirit, not a man. Anyway, Jesus never even existed as a historical figure. He is a character that the gnostics used to present their zodiac allegories, but the evil power-hungry orthdoxies hijacked their spiritualism and historized it in order to control the world, and falsifying its history.

    CHRIST...well that's different. CHRIST is that feeling near you. He (God) is the spirit that transcends everything.

    The Bible is chock full of spiritual truths. The entire thing is allegorical and is a unique book due to the philosophical spiritualims being at its peak in ancient times.

    Just follow the Bible - by Christ are ye saved WITHIN. Not what the Church says.  

  11. Jesus is the most compassionate person that ever lived. How many people do you know who would wash your feet after you had just walked 12 hours on them with no shoes?

  12. Jesus is a nice person.

  13. With his history of false prophecy, petty cursing of cities, threatening of non-believers, and mass porcine slaughter, I think he'd be a disrespectful little sot.

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