
Is Jesus the perfect example of a true man?

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I just wanted to know what society thinks. I know this question maybe a call out to most Christians, but I would like this to be answered by non-Christians.




  1. Asking non-Christians to answer this is going to get you some weird answers. Mostly cause many don't even believe Jesus was ever real (or is real now). Some just think He was a great prophet of God. But God sent Jesus to show us what perfection is. We are to strive to be like Him even though we can never reach perfection. Jesus had human emotions and choices to make. He was tempted like the rest of us. He just chose what was best. When people ridiculed Him He spoke back with soft answers. He was the perfect example of a man. I love Him so much.

  2. Yes the only true man to ever live

  3. How and who is defining the word perfect...?

    There is no doubt that Jesus actually existed historically and was a very enlightened man, but what about Buddha, Ghandi, The present day Dalai Lama.....

    Do you really think that Jesus himself never sinned? what did he do for the first thirty years of his life before he suddenly 'came out' as the Son of God. Was he just a really really nice carpenter or did he actually travel to Asia to study Buddhism like all those conspiracy theories suggest. Or maybe he just hung out around the red light district in Bethlehem until he had what Oprah would call a 'lightbulb moment'

    ED: Yeah  yeah go the thumbs down but the question was put out to' non-Christians'....

  4. Well, that depends on what you consider a 'true man'.

    To me, a 'true man' is a lumberjack named Bruce who shoots down trees with an M16, then rides home on his pet cheetah to eat a 10 stone steak and make love to his large-breasted wife until the morning. Then, he sets out to do it all again.

    Last I heard, Jesus never rode a cheetah.

  5. God, for whom and through whom everything was made, chose to bring many children into glory. And it was only right that he should make Jesus, through his suffering, a perfect leader, fit to bring them into their salvation.

    God wanted us to have Jesus as an example,as to how to be.

    then why wouldn't He send anything less than perfect.

  6. definitely

  7. Read the book. Revelations is key to understanding who or rather, what is Jesus Christ.

  8. He's better than Adam and Eve who were idiots and far from perfect.

    He saw both the good and the bad and used reason to make his choices.

  9. Erm....Jesus isn't exactly a homosapien. I mean how mmanymen do you know that can rise from the dead.

    On a more serious note, I think the we don't know much about Jesus other than his prophetic preception.  

  10. In as much as Jesus (the mere mortal) somehow managed (by will or fate or destiny) to so totally obliterate his ego and selfhood and "hook into" the Divine Archetype, then he has come to represent the definition of "perfection" and "true human" in our minds.

    A "true human" to my mind is one who has gone all the way and not let anything get in the way of knowing the living the total truth in one's life. Someone who did not let society's expectations limit his ability to feel deeply.

  11. Just a man with wisdom.  

  12. I think he is kind of g*y. Have you seen his pictures. My gaydar was going off to those pics.

  13. I cant tell you what the definition of a true man is however I believe that if you read the bible and have no understanding of religion at all then the story would sound fictional. If Jesus was walking the earth today preaching his gospel and performing magic tricks and illusions then I would probably put him in the same category as The Mind freak!

    Just my Answer and no disrespect to anyone's beliefs.

  14. He is the true example of a perfect man.

    He never sinned in his life.

  15. Ahahahahahahah


  16. Yeshua was fully God and fully man.  He knew every temptation that every one of us has experienced, yet He never sinned.  And why ask unbelievers who don't know Him???


  17. Jesus is THE one perfect man. He is THE example of what a true Christian should be or strive to be like to be a true Christian.

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