
Is Joe Liberman a traitor or a patriot?

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Well is he? I mean he was just 8 years ago the Democratic pick for VP, now he's addressing the Republican National Convention.




  1. Patriot. His own party threw him under the bus, because they wanted someone who was far more liberal.  Well he got the last laugh, didn't he?

  2. 60/40

  3. A traitor. I had to leave the room. Though i can still hear his painful droning. This so far has been the saddest display I've seen in a long while.

  4. Patriot.

    When Joe took a stand to defend his country, the traitorous Democrat Party threw him under the bus.

  5. Country First

  6. traitor to America...patriot to the Jews

  7. He is a free thinker and stands up for what he believes in instead of just repeating the parties BS.

    I say he is an incredible Patriot!!!

  8. Patriot, what is best for the Country and people.

  9. Define "Patriot" please.

  10. He is a Patriot he believes in America like all of us....but he is also a traitorous b*****d!

  11. Neither.

    He is just a confused old man that wants attention.

  12. Some people just wake up!!!

  13. The Democrats kicked him out!

  14. Patriot.  He is the one of the two political leaders I admire most in this country.

    The other is, and has been, Senator McCain.

  15. neither?

  16. I disagree with him but respect him for following his own mind.

  17. I guess he's doing what he believes is right.

    It becomes clear, though, that HE is "the maverick", and that McCain really should have picked him.

  18. I agree that he is a liar. He lost the Democratic primary in Connecticut and was elected as an Independent, not a Democrat but lying and saying he is a Democrat sounds much more dramatic than an independent supporting McCain.

  19. He is the Israeli ambassador to Washington.;-)

    God Speed

  20. Neither:  He is a garden gnome.  Just put on that red pointed hat, some blue shorts and green elf shoes, and there you go.  But in all seriousness, Seeing how he was betrayed by his own party for having a more conservative view than the radicals he ran for or with.  So he became a liberal republican.  I have more respect for him now than I did then.

  21. he's a liar.  He keeps identifying himself as a Democrat.  The truth is, he is a registered Independent.

  22. A patriot that understands what bi-partisan means. I find it odd that there are soo many Democrats and Independents included to speak but the DNC invited no Republicans, Libertarians etc.

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