
Is John McCain's running mate Sarah Palin pro life or pro choice?

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Is John McCain's running mate Sarah Palin pro life or pro choice?




  1. It's important to understand that abortions go on whether legal or not. Before Roe v. Wade, authorities never pulled dead rich women from back alleys. Sadly, it was always the poor that suffered. The affluent had their doctors perform the procedure in the comfort and safety of their medical office.

    I remember before Roe v. Wade when my mother, grandmother, and another woman were at our kitchen table. They had just come back from a funeral of a friend who was a victim of a botched abortion. With tears streaming down my grandmothers face she chokingly said, "It's a d**n shame that we live in a country where dogs receive better treatment than a woman."

    My father drove an ambulance in Washington D.C. He and my mother cried when Roe v. Wade passed as it meant my father and his colleagues wouldn’t have to look at those horrid scenes from botched abortions anymore.

    Back then, the pillars of the community knew who the abortion doctors were. They made sure they were around. Not just to take care of slip ups at home but more importantly, to take care of their little secrets. The local Sheriff was well aware of what was going on. But if he wanted to keep his job and win his next election, he knew he’d better watch his P’s and Q’s. Get it? Meanwhile, the sheriff helped pull injured and dead poor women out from back alleys. It wasn’t right that the poor suffered while the affluent didn’t. That scenario is one of many reasons R v. W passed.

    The problem with contemporary views on abortion is the element of time. People have forgotten or are too young to know what went on before Roe v. Wade. And the GOP isn’t going to remind us either.  Against our best interest, they use the issue to stir our emotions to sucker us for our votes.

    Pro-Choice is Pro-Life

  2. Very Pro Live

  3. She is Pro-Life and (against a number of advisements to have an abortion), recently had a baby who has Down Syndrome which she and her family welcomed with joy.

    BTW:   Roe V Wade did not "make abortions legal" The real impact of the Supreme court decision was to take away State's Rights to determine what the laws would be in their state.  

    But don't worry, one of Obama's accomplishments in the IL State Senate was his "fight" to allow live babies who survived late term abortions outside the womb the "opportunity" to die (by denying them medical care).  

    Now that's Change you can Believe in!

  4. Life.

  5. She is pro life but there are many Roman Catholics like myself that are republican and know pro choice is a necessity.  There will never be a politician who can satisfy the large diversity of such a large population, but there is many more like Obama who promise the moon while they know they can never make the sun set.

  6. according to her profile, she is an antichoice homophobe. I say that because she can't discuss one issue without the other.  

    She doesn't understand that g*y people don't have abortions

  7. Pro life and pro creationism.

    If it were upto people like Palin,,birth control will be out lawed.

  8. Pro life  

  9. watch the news-

    shes ultra conservative- and staunch pro life

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