
Is John McCain VP pick some kind of sick joke - is he truly out of his mind?

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I know he loves jokes but tomorrow he's going to tell us all who he really picked, right?




  1. Well, aside from setting his hair on fire, it's the only way he could get the country to stop rhapsodising about Obama's wonderful speech last night.

  2. He is obviously desperate. This is his last shot at the white house before he hits the convalescent home.

  3. McCains choice was outstanding! She is a fiscal conservative that chopped porkbarrel spending in Alaska. When she took office she put the previous Governors Learjet up for sale on EBay, and made a profit on the deal. Then she cancelled the bridge to nowhere. Then she cancelled a sweetheart deal made to build a road to a mine at state expense.

    She has done more in two years to gain executive experience than Barack will ever get. She has more executive experience than Barack and Biden, combined. The Republicans have chosen a VICE-Presidential candidate that might not be the most experienced in the country. But the Democrats have chosen an inexperienced PRESIDENTIAL candidate.

    Her husband is a native American with real world experience and she has raised a son who is about to be deployed to Iraq. She found out her baby had Downs Syndrome and refused to even consider abortion. This is Mrs. Smith Goes To Washington, and we will be lucky if she is the Vice President in years to come.

  4. He is trying to  steal women's vote.  

  5. I can always count on you for a laugh. Poor John, his VP pick is proof his choo-choo jumped the track.

  6. You wish.

  7. As usual, the mainstream American media has completely missed the real reason for McCain's VP selection. It's so that when McCain sings "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" he can now do so accompanied by a folsetto harmony, just as the Beach Boys did on their original recording. Now that's smart!

  8. the woman is a dream come true..all of us conservatives are happy as clams about McCains pick..the fact that democrats hate the pick is just icing on the cake...WE FREAKING ROCK AMERICA!!!!

  9. its not like McCain is going to win...

  10. Scared, ain't ya!

  11. Well, Good luck trying to talk this McCain ticket down. John just picked a running mate for the future, and for reform, and for what the Republican party stands for( not what the libs and media try to push onto the Republican party). This just made the Obama ticket look old, tired, and busted. So, please keep sounding scared and desperate to diminish this pick.

  12. I thought it was all about change.  Did you see the DNC?  Hundreds of signs that say "CHANGE".  And then the messiah chose Biden, the consummate insider.  You sound more like a liberal hack with this kind of comment.

  13. Yes he has lost his mind. No I'm pretty sure he is serious.

  14. The joke is on BO. Who's talking about his pitiful speech last night? No-one.

  15. If he was true to form he wouldn't have chose a promotional gimmick to win those in limbo women voters, etc who still feel misplaced by Obama. PS: Why are people referring to Obama as messiah. I think this is hypocritical and disrespectful to Christians and Jews.  It goes against the first commandment.  Take your own name in vain.

  16. ya thaz wat im talkin bout. he is a joke but good thing now obama will win 4sho

  17. only people I know that are out their minds have been the liberals that don't know how to really react so they only have verbal attacks but no real substance.

  18. hahaha no this was his pick. sadly. but we already knew he was out of his mind. thankfully he will lose in a 350+ electoral vote landslide


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