
Is John McCain a political Genius?

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So many people hated all the other republican VP choices, and were divided on who would get it.

An McCain chooses a beautiful strong woman Palin out of nowhere who has very smart views on life, and is totally unpolitical and just makes smart educated decision as his VP.

Could this be the best possible choice ever made? Obama picking Biden looks horrible compared to this.




  1. Absolutely.  She's a maverick, which reinforces his best quality.  She's conservative, which shores up the right wing of the party.  Her nomination is "historic", which keeps Obama from cornering the market on that term.  She's young and exciting and energetic, which keeps Obama from cornering that market.  And she's a working mother of 5 who's husband is a union worker - tough to argue with that.  If the Dems criticize her for not having enough experience, it just boomerangs back on Obama (and he's #1 on the ticket - she's #2).

    A brilliant, brilliant pick.  I was inclined to vote for McCain before, but this seals the deal.  I'm actually excited about his campaign now, which I wasn't before.

  2. it is a great pic.  I never saw it coming.  Honestly I was sitting on the fence about this election.  McCain/McSame was a concern I had.  But with Palin she has a personal interest in getting this stupid war done and over.  I am excited.


  4. It was a good choice from the point of view of an Obama supporter.  

  5. McCain chose youth and aggressiveness.

    Obama chose 40 years of Washington DC establihment.

    Its no longer a contest.

    McCain wins, hands down. End of story.

  6. Bidens hair plugs are shaking!

    Go McCain/Palin 2008!

  7. He sure is. His choice just makes me even more supportive.

    She's a hardworking mother who came out of a middle class. She CARES about this country, and unlike Obama and his choices she will actually make this country benefit.  

  8. a womanly view and touch in the white house would be nice

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