
Is John McCain mentally fit to be President?

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I hope I don't sound callous but I am very concerned that John McCain is mentally unstable.

I'm a Republican but I have some major concerns about McCain's mental state.

His frequent memory lapses have me wondering if he's got Alzheimer's. His explosive temper tantrums may be symptoms of PTSD, presumably from his six years of torture and solitary confinement.

John McCain is 72 years old and has had two serious bouts of cancer but I'm more worried about his mental health.

Is John McCain mentally fit to be President?




  1. even though in from a completely different country, i strongly agree with you.

    I mean though i would love to go to Chezchslouvakia i fear that it no longer exists. Hmm maybe im just paranoid, or having real bad de javoo?

  2. John McCain is much sharper than both of us.  Is this the only dirt you can come up with on our next President?  Age discrimination?  You're grasping at straws buddy...  he's in.  

  3. NO!...even with his mental conditioning aside. I want the government to be of the people...not of the privileged few!  

  4. Yes he is.  

  5. In 2 words(and a punctuation mark), h**l NO!

  6. Check out this video

  7. Whether he's mentally stable or not is inconsequential, and I am confident he is. It's difficult to play the part of a 'social conservative,' against your integrity, which is what he's been doing.. I don't know of anybody mentally stable voting for Obama, and Obama actually seems mentally stable.

  8. Someone on here a while back said that he thinks McCain had PTSD and that his job was to treat people with PTSD, although he would he would have to examine McCain in person to be sure. The Bush campaign in the 2000 primary also spread the rumor that McCain had PTSD also, although then again they aren't particularly known for telling the truth.

    Aside from that, I think he mental capabilities are slipping somewhat, compare him to eight years ago, he was just a little sharper back then. Honestly, while I admit that McCain is experienced, I'm not convinced he's qualified to be president at this point anyway.

    It would have helped squelch doubt a little if reporters were allowed more then twenty minutes with the thousands of pages of medical documentation he had accrued just in the last couple of decades.

  9. With his VP pick, I think McCain is not as stable as he needs to be.

  10. No, he's old, angry, and senile.  He is, however, mentally fit to look at Sarah Palin's *** during her speeches.  That old rapscalion!

  11. Maybe and maybe Barack is but we won't know for sure until we read this in the history books

    everyone who got in the office so far has not ruined the country

    what don't kill us will make us stronger..

    so whoever wins..the country is stronger then any one man  or group

    of men or women

  12. In a word, NO!

  13. you also have to deal with the years of admitted drug use of Obama to do you not?

  14. He cant remember what happened 11 mins ago:

    He doesnt know the difference between Iran and Al Queada

    Mccain's supporter said "You can have your Tiger Woods, We have Mccain"

    Mccain doesnt know anything about the economy and Iraq

  15. Well if your concerned just for for Obama

  16. I'd rather have a tenacious, no nonsense, survivor than a buffoon and a loud mouth.

  17. hahaha are you kidding me..........altho I have no answer to your question only God knows that answer.

  18. Much more so than the typical Obama supporter...

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