
Is John McCain simply using this woman?

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It's funny that its only now that he made her a serious candidate for his running mate, as of last night! Seriously, did he have to go all the way to Alaska to find someone that "mirrors" his values? It seems that he wanted to see how well that speech would go last night to make his pick. Obama pretty much knocked it out of the park, and with his increasing lead, McCain seemed to want to capitalize on the fact that Obama didn't pick a woman for his running mate. Since Obama had all the headlines, he seemed to want to take some of it away. While he was successful in doing this, is his reasoning for picking her just? Huckabee has his values. Romney mirrors his values. Even the lady from TX was in the running. So why all of a sudden did he pick this lady? She hasn't even been a governor for two years yet! Will people be comfortable knowing that, if McCain gets ill, or croaks, she's the president? All she's done is make state laws. From the reviews on FOX, this could backfire. What do you think?




  1. What a joke! I'm sure McCain will regret his VP pick when the debates roll in and she can't even defend herself from Biden. She's not a Hillary and she will never be.

  2. I agree. I think he lost more votes than the ones he thinks he will gain. That's just my opinion.

  3. Actually you are wrong on most points.

    Rove said that they started looking at her three months ago. Not yesterday.

    Historically a convention gives a 15 point bump in the polls, Obama has only managed 6 points.

    Pallin is an amazing woman who has the highest approval rating (88%) of any Governor in history.  

    She has chaired the ethics committee and taken down both Rep and Dems that abused power.

    When she took office she sold the State airplane stating that it was a ridiculous expense and put the $2.7 million that it raised straight into the budget. She flies commercial or drives herself.

    When the State received huge profits from the oil drilled on State land, she didn't let the state pocket it or waste it, she sent it directly to the people of Alaska.

    Obama was a state senator for 183 days before he launched his campaign. She has been the top ranking governor for two years. Sorry but you guys can't scream inexperience when our VP has more experience than he does.

  4. Yes that woman is a puppet. You would that that even she would be insulted and turn down his pathetic desperate offer .

    SHE IS NO HILLARY CLINTON!!! She will NEVER be hillary's Replacement.... That is what it's all about to mccain.... He should be picking a VP thats BEST for the country!

  5. Of course this was a calculated decision.  It's about hitting the enemy when they're down and not letting up.

    Obama went into the DNC convention down 5 pts.

    The convention fizzled and sputtered it's way through, leaving nobody impressed.

    And while they're still reeling.. they get hit with this.

  6. We all saw how Hillary was used in the Democrat convention.

    He picked the best candidate for him. Huckabee and Romney were dull and had baggage.

    McCain will be fine. People predicting his death is absurd. If something did happen a VP would be appointed just like Biden was chosen to help Obama.

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