
Is John McCain still adhering to his promise to run a 'clean campaign'?

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I thought the point was to break away from 'politics of the past'....what happened?




  1. HECK NO!!! he STARTED running a negative campaign because he is desperate so much desperate he ditched romney and huckabee to choose palin to appeal to the hillary democrats who were instructed by their leader to vote O

    repubs are the best at running negative campaigns they swiftboated kerry and will try with O

    one of the ads that was despicable shows hillary saying smack about o during the primaries- does that really achieve anything because anyone with intelligence knows that during a primary every candidate is supposed to talk bad about the other guy to try and discredit the other and get votes. I can gurantee we can find many sound bites showing romney and huckabee talking smack about mccain

    Also more proof they are negative Obama is taking the high road not talking about palin and her knocked up kid while she promoted abstinence in HS (what good it did her daughter) and O said to leave the family out of it. Mccains campaign regularly target michelle saying she is unpatriotic which is ludicrous, anyone who comes from a poor household and puts herself through law school at an ivy league school and then pursues public service is not unpatriotic to me- words taken out of context thats all

  2. No way!  It's negative as can be on the speeches tonight!  Not only that, he is whining about the media attention on Palin's family and troopergate scandal.  So he can dish it out, but he cannot take it.  Wow, what a leader.

  3. The word "clean" has no meaning to Republicans. It is however used as a directive for McCain's household staff. All 8 households I might add.

  4. nope, that straight-talk express BS crashed off-road a long time ago. It didn't even make it through one tank of gas, before it started running on all hot air.

  5. Yes, McCain is doing a great job.

    He should be treated with respect he is a Vet and a POW.  He has truly served his country.  He is a truly strong person - we need that.

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