
Is John McCain the Manchurian candidate ?

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Granted he's a lot older , but it's a bit freaky how close the story of this guys life is to the movie, please comment




  1. Only Denzel and that other guy in the black and white original movie. McCain does blink alot though.

  2. I don't think so, but it is strange and interestiing how art imitates life though.  

  3. All movies are scripted, so you make a good point.

    McCain is no war hero. He was a lousy, reckless pilot who was shot down due to his own cowboy mentality. A true war hero in the Senate is Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, who lost an arm for America while taking out a German machine gun nest, saving many of his fellow soldiers' lives. But we don't see Inouye strutting around wearing his Congressional Medal of Honor. That's a hero.

  4. I don't think so. America should be grateful for the services of McCain for his country. I'm sure that he tried his best in all these years.

    However, this doesn't mean that he should become a president .

    Obama is simply the better candidate and HE is the one who could shake up the Washington establishment and not McCain who is part of it.

    Some people might think the opposite and I do respect that. However, the fact that Sarah Palin could become president (if McCain dies in office) is a risk and any real Republican (I'm not talking about the religious right) has to acknowledge this fact.

  5. Well your Right, The Man is an American Hero and a War Hero You can't deny that Fact, another Fact is that he is only out of himself and his Party, and Not this Country.

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