
Is John McCain the REAL candidate of change? ?

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Today, McCain chose VP running mate Sarah Palen who went AGAINST her own REPUBLICAN peers and reported them. She cares more about people than her political career.

Because of this pick, should McCain now be called McChange?




  1. Yes he is now, a great VP pick, Obama talks the talk, McCain walks the walk. Obama is so screwed.

  2. He would love to change into a Bush suit but what he did today change a lot of republican minds

  3. he's bush juinior

  4. You are right, he went from consistently voting against women's issues to appointing an inexperienced conservative woman as his VP slot.  Now THAT is change we can believe in.

    It's kinda like his speech about how wrong and useless it is to torture, then voted against the torture ban (not even a month later).

    Or him admitting he wouldn't even vote for his own immigration bill HE WROTE just 2years ago.  

    McChange might make sense.

  5. Obama/Biden 08'

    (this is great news for us) LOL McChange!

  6. The liberals don't like her because she embodies the 'change' that Obama's only been able to speak ambiguously about.

  7. lol.NEVER

  8. NO - just more of the same.......

  9. Yes he is; more so than the one that has preached he is the change Americans need.  Obama showed his true colors when he picked Biden the insider of the insiders... no change there.

    McCain has picked wisely and has brought CHANGE; some one who is NOT from the good ole boys ring.

  10. Seriously? It doesn't matter who gets into the office. We will continue to get pissed at them and make fun of them just like every other president. nothing new ever happens, no change happens. It is the same stuff from 100 years ago.

  11. First, Sarah Palin is being investigated by lawmakers in her own state to determine if she dismissed a Public Safety Commissioner because Monegan (the Public Safety Commissioner) wouldn't fire a state trooper involved in a messy custody battle with her sister.

    Second, she has almost no qualifications to run the country other than two paltry years as the governor of Alaska and ZERO experience in national or foreign politics.  If McCain is elected president and dies in office (which is not unlikely given that he is 72), this woefully unqualified woman would hold the highest office in the land.  Think things are bad now?  Imagine this country run by a person who has absolutely no idea what they are doing.  McCain chose this woman because she is telegenic and might help him land a few women/swing voters.  Change had nothing to do with his choice.

  12. NO WAY

    Mccain a another bush, dont anyone agree that 8 years of bush was enough. He was vote for almost the same things that bush has voted. He is not the change that america needs.

    He was always been a wealthy man he does not know what it means to be in a lower class like Obama. People can say whatever they want but Obama is the ONE WITH THE CHANGE WE NEED !!


  13. No.  He's 75 years old and represents the past.

  14. YES!! This is super.

  15. i wont even go into palin considerin her current problems... but doesnt McCain vote like what, 90-95% of the issues Bush does? how is that change, like seriously... the numbers are there facing you in the face? how much clearer does it need to be presented to you until you realize it?

  16. No, he's exactly like Bush!!

  17. By virtue of the fact that he selected a woman to be his running mate, YES, he appears to be more for change than Obama is.    

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