
Is Johnny Rotten/Lydon a racist?

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If you haven't heard the story then read it here:

Lydon defended himself on BBC's the One Show, but personally, I believe Kele Okereke (along with witnesses such as Ricky Wilson of the Kaiser Chiefs) to be trustworthy and respctable artists who would not lie about matters as serious as these, particularly when Okereke has previously expressed respect for John Lydon in interviews and such.

I've increasingly had doubts about Johhny Rotten of late. This once 'great' artsist threw a microphone at a French journalist, complained about 'immigrants' and announced that he was a Tory voter... not so punk after all!

I frankly think this latest story regarding him is disgusting. It has truly ruined the s*x Pistols' music for me. Ah well... The Clash were always better.




  1. There is no evidence in that article to say that Lydon is a racist.

    "...while his entourage responded with a racist tirade, including the statement, 'your problem is your black attitude'." An assault allegedly ensued in which three people attacked Okereke."

    Note the words 'his entourage'.......'including the statement.' .... 'An assault ALLEGEDLY ensued'.

    There is also nothing from the bands said to have witnessed it.

    "Guardian/Music has contacted those bands said to have witnessed the incident and is awaiting their version of events."

    It's pretty clear to me that Kele Okereke (never heard of her before now) is out to make a name for herself at Lydon's expense.

    I can't stand the bloke myself.

  2. The more I hear of Johnny Rotten the more I like him.  I've got some s*x Pistols songs downloaded.  I think I'll check out Public Image Ltd.

  3. Come now, surely even a Guardian reader cannot be so totally ignorant to notice the differerences in behaviour between most white and most black people. For example, most black people at my college talk loudly and listen to hip-hop. Is it racist to say so? Perhaps. Yet I - and many others around me - notice these differences and they all amount to phrases such as black attitude.

    Well done to Mr. Rotten for saying what most of us are too afraid to.

  4. It's the first time I'd heard that story, he has gone right down in my estimations too.

    And although the s*x Pistols were classic, the Clash were better by far.

  5. I know I'm going to get loads of thumbs down, but he has every right to be racist. Black people have really put a black mark against themselves. Look at the statistics of black people related to crime and you'll know what I'm talking about. Everyone knows what Lydon means by "black attitude" - don't pretend you don't. He has every right to his opinion, but attacking someone is going over the line.

  6. Eh, Johnny Rotten stopped be punk when he formed PIL. Sorry, that's not punk. And I agree, the Clash were always better.

  7. He is not a racist.....He just tells it as it is

    Basically he is not P.C.  so well worth listening to. And yes The Clash was better by far

  8. lydon is from a middle class family anyway.. being a tory voter doesn't make him a racist...

  9. it says, 'his entourage responded'..........not John Lydon.

  10. No hes not racist

  11. No of course he isn't just because some left wing rag like the guardian says it don't mean it's true, this is a paper that hates the white working class and anything associated with being white and working class,and are you seriously saying that complaining about immigrants makes you racist ? if so i guess all the black and asians i hear complaining about the number of immigrants coming in must be the most racist people i've met, then again i suspect you just mean white working class people who you probably hate as much as the guardian does.

  12. The s*x pistols had their hay-day, back in the 70s, now lydon is an old man.

    He still thinks he can shock people, that's what he did.

    You're talking about him & outraged ( quite rightly ) by his attitude, guess he's still got it then!

    " God save the queen, never mind the bollox ".

    yeah, it was good, it had my mum/dad frowning & scratching their heads, how awful out of control & lost the plot Punks were.

    we were tame compared to the binge-drinkers, lager-louts & youth of today.


    I preferred The Clash, too    

    I'm so bored of the USA........

    used to wind up the yanks!

  13. Seems suspicious that he hasn't commented on any of it. I quite like Ricky Wilson and Yannis Philippakis but I wouldn't hang on every word they say. It does seem rather strange that Okereke apparently asked a seemingly innocent question and it seems to have developed into a fight from there. Shall wait to hear anything else from any of them. It'll be interesting to hear what Lydon says. Whether it was a racist attack or not, it still appears that he started a fight for little or no reason whatsoever.

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