I found out recently that I might be Bi polar, which explains the suffering I went through for the past many years. I am an extremely quiet person, but I do make an effort to interact with people, but no one seems to want me for a friend. That's no big deal for me. What I was wondering was, if someone with my personality could possibly be a writer. If you want to see a sample, you can view another question that I posted regarding a poem I wrote. I know it's not all that, but it's honesty the first real poem I ever wrote. I wrote it because I was feeling really down. Most of my other writing is in essay forms. I love the idea of being a film writer. I enjoy watching movies more than anything else in this world. I am currently in school doing accounting, it's not hard, but so d**n boring. I can't imagine it as a career. I am planning to switch to Journalism, but would that be a wise choice? Could some one with my personality get into journalism? If not what other suggestions do you hve?