
Is Julius Miller a yahoo finance agent?

by Guest32983  |  earlier

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I am thinking of buying a car and he is supposed to be the transferer. His address is listed as 5121 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10020. Is it safe to proceed with this purchase?




  1. This is the last place you should be asking a question like that... from a bunch of strangers, some of whom could give you misleading or wrong information.  I don't know where you got that information from, but I HIGHLY doubt there is such a person, or such a thing as a Yahoo finance agent.  How could you even consider buying a car from someone you aren't meeting face-to-face, or use consider using some go-between?  I looked up "Yahoo finance agent" on Google.  There isn't even a hint of such a position existing.

    I would write to Yahoo directly before you make any rash decisions.

  2. This is a well-known scam. Yahoo! does not have finance agents and does not handle auto transfers. Do not do business with that person. Here's what it says on Yahoo! Autos help page:

    Please note that Yahoo! Autos does not take possession of users' vehicles, we do not work with agents, and we do not work with money transfer agencies, so please beware that any communication you receive stating that Yahoo! Autos does use these services, as it is a misrepresentation. We advise buyers against sending online payments to sellers without meeting the seller or seeing the vehicle in person. Again, we strongly encourage buyers to see the vehicle, meet the seller, and complete any transfer of any payment in person.

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