
Is KFC's Toasted Twister any good?

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Is KFC's Toasted Twister any good?




  1. no

  2. not as good as advertised

  3. it sucks!!!!

  4. define 'good.' tasty but will kill you in a few years? or healthier than anything else they have?

    definitely sounds like bad news. steer clear of that place if you care about your long-term health.

  5. don't talk about food right now - I'm soooooooo hungry!

  6. if u like fats, u may like it. else dont even look it.

  7. if you like eating fatty food

  8. I had one and it was stale and tasted like it had been in the microwave too long........YUCK

  9. KFC is evil!

  10. sometimes when they toast it to much the lettuce rots faster

  11. coming from a former KFC worker, i know that no amount of sauce or seasoning makes it taste edible. unless you like limp lettuce?????

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