
Is Karate fun? Does it hurt really bad???

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It sounds like a good sport for me, but do you get hurt a lot and is it fun?




  1. Depends on how good your master is, and what your attitude going into it is.  

    With all sports there is a possibility of getting hurt, mostly sore or torn muscles from performing a move incorrectly and stretching yourself.  Only in the more advanced belts will they actually pit you in a fit with someone else, and even then it will be someone similar to you, and in full body padding.  A truck could hit you with that stuff, it's awesome.  

    Karate is definitely fun, but it is good exersize, which means it will wear you out. (Depending on what kind you do. For example Tai Chi is far more relaxing and less stressfull then Tiakwon Do.)  It all depends on what you're into. What do you want to learn? How to defend yourself? Or a calming of the mind and body? Perhaps simple confidence?  

    My advice is just to head over to the nearest Dojo, take off your shoes, bow, and ask the master if this place is right for you.  

  2. yes and yes some times

  3. It is fun.  

    As far as it hurting, you may find that your muscles will hurt if you are not used to exercise.  You will be doing a lot of stretching, push-ups, crunches, and the like.  There may be some bruises from practicing certain blocking techniques.  As far as sparring is concerned, most schools now require the use of protective gear for the head, shins, chest, fists and forearms, and feet.  In lower levels, points are scored by touching with the technique rather than full-force contact.

  4. only hurts if you do something wrong or are training for a tournament if your only going for rank its not bad lol i take great joy out of it all forms I'm training for a tournament that i don't even know about yet lol it hurts but i wouldn't take it any other way lol

  5. It depends on several factors:

    1) What the school you choose trains for. If you go to a school that is more into the sporting aspect of it, then getting hurt is not so likely. If you go to a school who's primary goal is to teach you realistic self defense, then yes pain is very much a part of it. Most of the time it is nothing serious, but most good Okinawin schools train some type of body conditioning, and also spar with heavy contact, although they will not let that happen until a new person is built up to it. I have had cracked ribs, jammed and broken fingers, too many cuts and bruises to count, and one concusion.

    2) Another factor is what you put into it, and how hard you train.

    As for the fun aspect yes it is very fun. Some of the best friendships I have are because of Martial Arts training. What you get out of it is what you put into it.

  6. It can be if you enjoy martial arts.  Not if someone is tring to be smart.  You can hurt the other person as well but that just happens some times.  There are move which can be done on guys that will hurt alot.  Thats why I never learned them.  

  7. H mm ...

    Karate is 'fun' depending on certain points of view.

    As for 'does it hurt really bad', these occasions are few and far between.

    A good instructor would not allow sparring sessions etc to get out of hand.

    Karate is one of the safest 'sports' where injuries are concerned because due to the nature of the techniques taught, the classes need to be under strict control.

    The worst injury I've had in 4 years karate training is badly strained fingers because I blocked a roundhouse (mawashi-geri) kick 'wrong', with my fingers 'splayed' instead of blocking with my forearm.

  8. It's fun.  There is a possibility of getting hurt.  You just have to try it and see for yourself.  Please don't take whatever you learn from one school ,good or bad, and cast judgement on the entire art as a whole.  There are just way too many instructors and too many schools to do that.

    Most importantly go in with an open mind and a willingness to learn.  If you over concern yourself with getting hurt, guess what, you're going to get hurt and it'll probably be your own doing.  Good Luck.

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