
Is Karen C, just KFK IN DRAG?

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You would know a lot of prostitutes wouldn't you, with your mother in the business and all.




  1. Who is this karen c?

    Will the real Karen C pls stand up

  2. I dont know about all that, but here is something we all love;


    1.8 kg skaapvleis, in stukke gesny 50 ml olie

    50 ml botter 4 groot uie, in skywe gesny

    2 knoffelhuisies, gekneus 250 ml vleisaftreksel

    250 ml witwyn 8 klein aartappels

    10 ml sout Vars gemaalde swartpeper

    500g waterblommetjies Soutwater

    25 ml suurlemoensap

    Verbruin vleis aan alle kante in verhitte olie en botter.  Voeg uie en knoffel by en soteer vir verdere 3 minute.  Voeg aftreksel en wyn by.  Verhit tot kookpunt.  Verminder hitte en prut 90 minute.  Voeg aartappels, sout en peper by.  Voeg waterblommetjies, wat vooraf in soutwater geweek en skoon gewas is by.  Prut nog 30 minute.  Voeg suurlemoensap by net voor opdiening.  Sit warm voor.

  3. Well as a matter of fact I consider her a lady not that you and constipated would know what that is. that's the problem with the offspring of the Ladies of the night.

    My sincere apologies to the ladies of the night for my remarks.

    Hey sicko buddy you managed to move that rock then, bet it weighed a ton.

  4. I am now lost.....

  5. Don't know ,never saw his/her name in yahoo

    Waarvoor staan kfk?

  6. I agree with Chris again. Joppie, "KFK" stands for Kayhelitsha Fried Kaffir.

  7. Dear Lord, please save all these souls and forgive them for all their sins. They know not what they type. Amen

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