
Is Karl Rove in Jail yet Today~????!?

by  |  earlier

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if not, why~?!?




  1. Not yet but he soon will be if enough people want it.

  2. Foir what?

    Your disliking his political views and the fact that he ran circles around the Demoncrats is not sufficient cause to jail him.

    The Constitution protects people, even government officials, from political nastiness. I know that you think it should onlty protect Liberals but- there it is guy.Sorry about that.

  3. no as a matter of fact you can see him on television usually Fox News as a political commentator...and they say there is no justice in the world.  He looks like one of Satan's minions

  4. nope he is not

    if he was jailed bush would pardon before he left so why waste the tax dollars

  5. No...unfortunately...he and Larry Craig tiptoed out of the men's bathroom together.

  6. No. He slipped out of the public bathroom as soon as he identified the undercover officer and outed him to his comrades in the bathroom.

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