
Is Karma a quantum thing?

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Is Karma a quantum thing?




  1. NO. No no no no no!

    Karma is a religious concept that has no evidence to back it up.

    Quantum mechanics is a well-grounded, oft-tested scientific theory that describe the behavior of atomic-level particles.  It works - that's why we have MRI machines.

    They have NOTHING to do with one another, but you quite often see 'quantum mechanics' and 'string theory' being trotted out to 'explain' someone's pet idea that they have no evidence for.  

    Here's how you solve that problem - the next time someone tells you 'it's quantum!' ask them to write down the wave equation for it.

  2. No.  I personally don't believe in karma at all (and have seen PLENTY of evidence that it doesn't exist) but even if I did, I wouldn't believe quantum physics (which I believe is what you're referring to) has anything to do with it.  A quantum is packet of information (and I don't mean information like good or bad things you've done!) that describes the state of a particle, or all possible states.  Quantum particles either join to build larger particles, or mediate forces (like electroweak, etc) between them.  The system of karma would be an extremely complex one and couldn't be described in terms of quantum particles.

  3. As per Schrodinger, it is and it isn't...until you observe it, that is.  Then it either is or it isn't.  Dig?

    EDIT:  I just observed it.  Turns out it isn't.

  4. No, it's a social construct of universal justice.  It's also not a valid concept since the universe has no memory and karma only seems to work *some* of the time.  You never hear anyone mention karma when the murderer lives happily ever after.

  5. There's no way of knowing.  Science has barely scratched the surface of Quantum Physics.  At this point it might lead anywhere and be connected to almost anything.

    Keep in mind those of us posting here are just expressing opinions.  We aren't the leading edge of scientific thought, nor spiritual thought.  In fact, we're mostly just mediocre 'never-was-and-never-will-bes' of any kind of thought at all.  Nobody would recognize our names as the sources of any type of achievement in the area you are asking about.

    If you want answers to quantum physics questions, or to questions involving the human spirit, you'll need to do a lot of studying.  Otherwise you'll just have to pick your own answer and become submerged in unfounded bias, same as the rest of us.

  6. yes or at least thats what the hindus tell me... what goes around does come around....

  7. I don't believe in karma

    It seems everyone does in the marriage and divorce section of this site, it's their only defense against cheaters

  8. Karma is a c**p piece of superstition

    It has no place in the field of science

  9. We are all basing our beliefs on what we have learned ..mostly from researching  others' more knowledgeable thoughts  about the subject and our own experiences..and the experiences of others...whether it be karma or quantum physics. Who's to say who is right and who is wrong? Only God.

  10. no. The new age junkies are throwing the terms quantum physics and quatum mechanics around like they authenticate everything we dont understand.

    Karma is just a word that means, "What comes around, goes around"

    The same thing as the Christian phrase "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

    You can apply some mystical magical religios beliefs, but really this is just simple social etiquette.

    If you are a good person, others will be good to you.

  11. No. Quantum mechanics is a mathematical model of atomic particles and their interactions based on an understanding of Hiesenburg's uncertainty principle, wave mathematics and the physics of particles and waves.

    Karma is a mystical or spiritual phenomena (depending on your specific definition), believed by some to be a property of the universe.

    The 2 are not related at all except in the imaginations of some people.(mainly those who lack an understanding of physics)

    Some postmodern philosophers will use scientific terminology to suggest analogous properties or in their explanation. In this specific case however (karma) these are usually utter BS.(As are most usages of scienitifc and mathematical terminology by postmodern philosophers).

    Check out Postmodern essay generators by Physicist Alan Sokal .

    "The Generator was inspired by a hoax perpetrated by physicist Alan Sokal, who submitted a completely meaningless paper in 1996 to the journal Social Text. Entitled "Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity," the psudoscientific essay was accepted and published by the editors, sparking a fierce debate over the ethics of the hoax and adding fuel to the fire of those who dismiss postmodernism as a methodological approach."

  12. Asking and answering this question is part of our carmas.

    So we are somehow involved in Quantum as science ans parapsi.

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