
Is Karma going to get me for being involved with a married man?

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I was involved with a married man and i completely regret it.We were friends but we ended up going down on each other,We didn't have intercourse and i felt guilty after wards.

We have been avoiding each other ever since.

I don't know if this will effect my karma.




  1. You will burn in h**l for your homosexual behavior...........feel the burn baby, feel the burn.....

  2. yikes  too much information, wrong catagory honey

  3. Karma is the least of your worries. Nothing worse than a guy cheating on his wife, then a guy cheating with another guy. And do the letters S-T-D mean anything to you? That would be a real nice present for his wife. If you're g*y so be it, but not thinking about the mayhem and pain you are bringing into another familys life just makes you a jerk. You do have some accountability here to be a decent human being.

  4. You both had the desire to do it. Whether it is morally wrong, is how you feel about it. Curiosity of same s*x relations got the better of you, you both gave in and tried it. His wife cannot compete with same s*x relations, if he liked it he liked it. As to karma, well, what comes around eventually does go around, but I wouldn`t sit there and worry about it, continue living your life. As to you 2 avoiding each other, well you are both embarrassed by what transpired . You may avoid each other for a long time, but eventually will speak. Many married men have same s*x relations outside of marriage and their wives never find out. It is a form of cheating on his part, so if she finds out she may go ballistic, or may be cool with it. It depends on her and how they feel about it.

  5. What goes around comes around so I would say eventually something will catch up with you and it's name is not Karma.  

  6. Karma will get you everytime. Next time find you a single man if "men" are your preference.  

  7. have you learned from your mistake?    

  8. Eww "BEN" you went down on a married man???


    I think I'm going to be sick!

  9. Oh it will, my friend. Try to live a good honest life and make up for the damage you have caused--karma can also be very forgiving. Good luck and peace love and joy to you.

  10. Karma wont.. But the Clap will!

  11. first of all i hope it was done in a safe way.....if he initiated it you should feel less bad than if you seduced him!!

  12. Yup. karma will get you right in the as.s

  13. Not only will it affect your karma, but also Santa Claus won't bring you any presents this year because you've been naughty.  Do you also believe in UFOs, the Loch Ness Monster, the theory of Atlantis, and the Easter Bunny?

  14. try!

  15. that's not Karma...Karma will come when you least expect it!

  16. Well, I think the important thing here is that you understand it was a mistake and that you regret it.

    I think you should avoid that type of situation from now on. It's just not right.

    And believe me, it is not so much that he's married anymore, because that guy is living a lie anyway, but still it doesn't make it right.

    Forgive yourself, move on and try to be a better person from now on.


  17. I believe in Karma. How are you going to feel when the man you decide to love forever cheats on you? At least you have enough sense to feel remorse.

  18. Nobody can tell you that for sure.

  19. In my opinion, as long as you ask forgiveness from the Lord don't think of  "Karma" anymore.  God is good and he forgives those who ask and being guilty  I do believe that it's a sign of your  repentance. You should avoid him and just move on. Good luck!

  20. is this part of the question about the husband being bisexual?

  21. yuck u are so gross

  22. Who knows....Karma can be a b*tch..when she has to be.I wouldn't be worried about karma though, I would be worried about this married man's significant other finding out what you've done and coming after you...not karma

  23. Of course it will.

    The way Karma works is by your very guilt. Which in turn affects your judgment and behavior. So something bad will happen by this natural course of events.

    But by learning from this you can save yourself pain in the future.

    Okay what did you learn?

    Now move on

    Karma will get you less that way.

    Best wishes

  24. if you touched my husband Karma would not be what you need to be worried about...

  25. No, your karma will be fine...but I'm not sure if you'll every get that taste out of your mouth.

  26. Probably not! This was an "expereince" you both tried, not a mailicous act of harmful doing toward anyone else and as far as his wife goes she may or may not aready know about it and if she doesn't thats o.k. too. And if she does maybe she'd want to be a part of it you just never know! There is much more worse things going on that karma is about other then experiences and mistakes.. It's o.k. and you should contact your friend and explain to him how you feel, it's in the past and it shouldn't ruin your friendship... It's done and over with. Do you knnow how he feels does he feel guilty, angery or mad you have to talk to him and get this behind the both of you b/c if he does feel guilty bad or angery then his wife is the one having the worse time of it and she may not even know whats going on... But idf you both talk he'll get back to normal and his marriage will too but till' then it's hard to tell what may happen... Invite them over for dinner say nothing to her about it and let him know that you won't, if that is what it takes but he has got to know where you stand and you have got to know where he stands and you both need to go from there avoiding eachother solves nothing!

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