
Is Katie Couric overated?

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not s**y, not articulate.what is this about




  1. Quite highly overated.

  2. She's a really Nice Person... -But I think She's in the WRONG Line of Work... There's SOMETHING about Her Personality- that doesn't "play well" as a News Anchor...  :(

  3. The truth is that she was viewed by her network as the person who connected best with Liberal viewers. So they keep pushing her out in front and telling everyone how wonderful she is- even if she isn't!

  4. She never should have been offered a position in the first place! To keep her on the payroll is an injustice to so many that can really pull in the ratings! Give another women a chance! How about Mika!

  5. Yes...

  6. She's one of the best looking news people on TV, and for that, I give her credit...

  7. She was overrated but now the ratings have come down so they are accurate.

  8. She has the lowest ratings on network television.  She's not overrated.  She's rated quite lowly and rightfully so.

  9. Yes I was amazed when she changed networks, and I was able to witness some of her shows. And I'm thinking where is the How great thou are.

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