
Is Ken Livingstone completely "not fit for purpose"?

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Ken Livingstone,does he deserve to be mayor of London?




  1. £25 for Congestion charges is a little bit nutty in my opinion, i mean thereare more sinister things that are happening in this planet, i agree we should watch out for our carbon footprint but not at the expense of our fellow human being that are starving in africa, ethnically cleansed, tensions in the Mid east, war on terror. we will be all gone before anything serious happened to our planet so why not take the oportunity and treat our fellow men instead of chasing a hippy dream.

  2. Boris for Mayor at least you know where you stand with him!

  3. nothing wrong with ken.he speaks his mind,please or offend.we need more people like him in the u.k.

  4. He is doing a splendid job for his cronies, don't like a lot of his policies so I will not vote for him - so I agree with your statement.

  5. The creature is a congenital idiot  and a  low life  imbecile and quite frankly, I wouldn't p**s on him if he was burning to death. But on the other hand, he is no better, or worse, than the dysfunctional morons who voted him in. Personally I rank him side by side with Derek Hatton, another left wing r****d. I wouldn't put him up for running a Christmas club let alone a city. Just wondering how much he and his cronies have milked from the system.


    to Steven e, You are right of course, more people like him, well he actively encourages Radicals, terrorist and illegal immigrants what more could be asked of the village idiot.

  6. I am NOT a Conservative, a Socialist or a Liberal. As a public transport user in London I think Ken Livingstone is probably the best person to be mayor at present, and although the system is far from perfect, he has steered through massive improvements to the bus network, pushed the government into finally approving 'Crossrail', and has created 'London Overground' to operate suburban rail services in North London at greater frequency, with new trains and with enhanced passenger security. The big challenge for him in his next term, is that now the horrible government created private public partnership Underground maintenance company Metronet has collapsed, can taking maintenance in house, create real reliability improvements on the Underground.

  7. i only wish that there were more mayors like him

    london is streets above the rest of our towns and cities, he  has a good team behind him and puts the people of his city first

    i travel into london most days to make deliveries to braches of a well known clothing outlet

    i notice as soon as i enter the borugh that public services are far better than anywhere else in the uk

  8. The problem is, does anyone else deserve to be mayor - not really looking at the motley uninspiring line up.

  9. Each London taxpayer is subsidised by all surrounding regional taxpayers (the difference is greater than that between the Scots and the rest of the UK, but we never hear about this London subsidy).

    You should congratulate your Mayor.

  10. You'll only get BORIS!! , he may be a laughable character but I probably don't think he will have his eye on the ball.

    Ken has been a good mayor AND re-entered the Labour Party. The costs of entering London is getting extraordinary, causing anguish to ordinary motorists who need to cross the City. Public Transport isn't intregated ,as the dream was invisaged. The 'Old Smoke' still stinks.

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