
Is Kevin Jonas g*y? (Read before answering)?

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Now, before you go saying "NO HE IS NOT!!" and c**p, just read this first.

I'm a Jonas Brothers fan, too, so you can't say that it's because I'm a hater. But if you ever listen to Kevin Jonas speak, he really does sound g*y. He has that pitch in his voice that most g*y guys have and I cannot help but wonder if he is or not.

I know some of you all have to have pointed that out. I have many g*y guy friends and they talk much like Kevin does. You can't tell me you haven't heard it, too.

So, give me your honest thoughts/opinions. Or, h**l, fact if you know!

"We know you're not g* you can come out of the closet, now." -- Joel McHale "The Soup"




  1. I always knew he was g*y.

    He has a very feminine voice.

    Ditto his clothes.

    And I have nothing against that.

    But it's not my fault that most JB fans have been raised to be homophobes.

    (Not you, but most. They immediately deny it, like you mentioned. They can't accept the fact that a somewhat decent looking guy is g*y.)

  2. I dont think he is g*y. He has had many girl friends. I noticed his voice to when i first heard it i thought he was. But some people have that voice.  

  3. HES NOT g*y

  4. nah he cant help the way he talks

  5. He just broke up with Mariah Walsh from  corry in the house, he is not g*y, some people just have that tone of voice and cant change it like when i talk to my family i sound like a baby but i just cant help it!

  6. i was wondering the same thing when i was watching camp rock

    "Are you going to make me a birdhouse" lol

    he's still cute

  7. Just because his voice sounds like that does not mean he's g*y

  8. I don't think his parents will let him be g*y, even if he wants to.

  9. Voice does not mean sexuallity.

  10. I KNOWWW! OMGG, I alwayss think he's g*y! I mean Just the way he looks, he looks soooooo g*y! Omgg! lol

  11. idk, in camp rock he seems REALLY g*y i think he might be he just doesn't want to admit it! i really like the jonas brothers. i have like almost  all there songs on my ipod sooo im not a hater im just saying. ha the person that sayed omg mrs jonas go play in traffic. lol. funny.

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