
Is Kevin Rudds Official Apology To The Aboriginal People Making Headlines Over In NZ ..?

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If so what are your thoughts on it from a kiwi point of veiw?

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  1. Rudd is an idiot. and it wasn't sufficient.

  2. yep it is making headlines. i suspect nowhere near the same level as it would be in Australia.

    I would however say that some politicans will be watching it with caution.

  3. Haven't heard a word over here.  

    From a human being's point of view - what can a word (sorry)achieve at the end of the day?  The horse has bolted and I don't think you can ever close the gate on it.  Nothing can ever fix the atrocity that happened.  Is this apology going to stop or make any easier the years of anguish these families must have gone through?  If it does help - well then, more power to the apology but my heart will still bleed for those lost soles and dignity.

  4. I think that we need to look forward not back. An apology isn't going to fix the past, it's opening a big can of worms. I think that their needs to be a balance between the way the general Maori population are treated/behaves and the general Aboriginal Population are treated/behaves.

    I believe that the Maoris are treated very well compared to the Aboriginals. I think we should all be treated like people and not give special allowances based on race.

    No special treatment because you're Maori, Aboriginal or whatever. Move on, learn from the mistakes in the past but that's all.


  5. dunno but it is in the uk

  6. I knew he said sorry but I never heard what he was apologising for. Hmmm I might look it up

  7. Yes it is making headlines her in New Zealand...i doubt it will make any difference to N.Zers though,as Austraila and N.Z hardly ever see eye tyo eye

  8. NZ is Australia's poor cousin. They don't have trains. How can we assume they have newspapers?

  9. Not headlines, no, but I heard it mentioned somewhere and there have been a few comments on talk-back radio. Generally the feed-back has been from Maori who say "it is not enough, when are they going to give them back their land..." or words to that effect.

    I think it is something and that is better than nothing

    Later: There has been more mention of it today since the speech was made.

  10. I thought the apology was a nice guesture .. as the aboriginal people have been through alot of hardship the worst being having their children taken away from them (rabbit proof fence is a great movie to watch about this .. although a tad bit scary) I think Kevin Rudd is doing a great job as prime minister and would back him over John Howard any day .. he seems just to have a nice personality ( did you see him on rove?) Their have been suggestions from the maori party for Helen Clark to make an official apology to the maori people but I dont think this is justified as the maori people wern't treated as harshly as the aboriginal people..

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