
Is Kid ROCk the son of Hank Williams Jr.?

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Is Kid ROCk the son of Hank Williams Jr.?




  1. I it rumored that kid rock is the son of country singer, Hank williams jr.

    Actually according to snopes, he is not the singer's son...

  2. Only She knows it- KId Rock's mom

  3. You're kidding, right?

    No, they are not related. Kid Rock was born Robert James Richie.

  4. No, he is George W Bushes little Brother.

  5. No this is NOT true. It is a rumor. Hank Jr and kid rock have done some songs together and are good friends, but not related. Hank Jrs son is Shelton Hank Williams III (aka hank 3) here's what he has to say:

    "just so you know so it's set in stone kid rock don't come from where i come from, its true he's a yank, he aint' no son of hank, and if you thought so well g.d. you're effing dumb"

    interview w/ hank 3:

    Later on your new record, you take a pretty good shot at Kid Rock.

    Yeah, well, that’s been going for a while, and he brought that upon himself, man.

    So you’ve had a run-in with him?

    Um … I’ve met him, back when he hit with that big song, and he came in, like, “You know, I’m the next Elvis.” I’m like, “Whatever, dude — the Beastie Boys have been around a lot longer than you have.” I first immediately saw that OK, this guy’s an a*****e, and I can see why him and my dad get along pretty good. And then we came back through Detroit, and he kept trying to come on the bus — you know, him and Pam [Anderson], and all that **** — and I said, “Tell that ************ I got nothing to say to him,” and then he finally gets his way back in there and tells me how I need to be treating my father (Hank Williams, Jr., who Kid Rock has collaborated with), and I’m like, “All right, you just crossed the line ************.” And I don’t know how many times I have to say it: “No, he’s not my ******* brother. He’s a goddamn Yankee from ******’ up in Detroit, and his dad runs Cadillac dealerships.” He’s got no blood relation to us at all.

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