
Is Kimbo Slice's mere mention in MMA a slap in the face to the real fighters?

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Kimbo is a joke and a bad marketing gimmick.




  1. come on now, give the man some credit.  He's 34, he's a beginner to this mixed martial arts fighting.  Most of those guys you all keep saying would whoop his *** have been training in some type of martial arts ever since their youth.  This man just started training in his 30's.  He even said he has a long way to go.  I respect him for stepping in the cage with fighters who have years of experience.  He's a natural.  Had he'd been training as long as the big name fighters, he would be one of the best.

  2. u know what, tim sylvia should put kimbo in his place instead of getting destroyed by fedor, i think that's what the mma world needs to see more.

  3. Have a Star you are first person I have seen say that on here so far.  Yeah I think that he is its a joke and going to make MMA look like a joke in the makeing.  MMA is just know being considered a sport because women are doing it now.... then something like this is going to bring it down!  I think he has never had real training and that are going to put him up against no name fighters.

  4. didn't he win?

  5. Hahahahahahahahaha at blowbyblow.

    Yes, Kimbo's a huge joke. He needs to

    go back to Miami and stay there... possibly

    go into hiding for awhile. That would do us

    all some good.

  6. I am a boxer if you as me all mma is a joke Kimbo Slice is  a guy that is 34 years old and just starting his career he is as good as any of the white guys I,ve seen mma is the sport where every week you have a new champion and 100 reasons why the old champion lost I will never respect mma until they let the black guys fight and when they do  mma will not be as popular because white guys like to see white guys beat the h**l out of each other it lets them think that this is something they could do but when they see a black guy in there they don,t want any part of that

  7. could have sworn hes 3-0 with 1 sub right? and hes a joke to real fighters? why dont you save your talk until he loses.

  8. dont hate kimbo for trying to make a living....fighting is probably all he knows how to do

  9. The mention of Kimbo in MMA isn't a slap in the face, but portraying him as the top heavy weight in MMA is. The man has just as much right as any of them to step into the ring for whatever reason. Make money, prove he's a bad @ss, fulfill a life time dream... whatever. Saying he's the best at 30+ years old with 3 fights under his belt is a mockery. It's Elite XC's fault not the man trying to make a living for his, large (6 kids), family.

  10. Is this blowbyblow guy serious? I just thought Kimbo was a joke but now your the joke. Let me get this straight . you don't think mma is a real sport because the don't let black fight.

    how much mma do you watch? i have yet to see a fight card without a black on it and why does the color mean anything?

    Oh i get it your a raciest black! oh did i say that out loud. i forgot my bad only the white devil can be raciest. you make me sick. So tell me if boxing is such a real sport and mma isn't why don't you get in the ring and prove it?

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