
Is Kingda Ka a bad first roller coaster to go on?

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My friends are going to Six Flags: Great Adventure. They have been their many times, but I have never been there NOR on a roller coaster.... ever. Maybe a little kids one but never a REAL roller coaster.

We are waking up early so we can rush to Kingda Ka. It's the first ride we are going on (Don't tell me to go on a diffrent one first, cause were not). My friends say since it's the scariest one their, and that I should ride it first so I don't think the other ones are bad.

Also, we are only going on it ONCE so I really don't want to miss the opportunity to go on it..

Advice? Bad Idea?




  1. it is the most exhilarating ride in the world imo...look at some vids on is just like that....the ride does go by quick though..only lasting about a min....but if i was you...i wouldn't take the front row...wind at 127 mph is not at all friendly to say the least....

    good luck and enjoy you visit at six flags

  2. Well it really depends on you're tolerance level. Kingda Ka is HUGE!  Tall, and fast!

    If you don't think you can handle that for a first coaster then I suggest no. But if you don't have problems with heights, speed, or drops then go ahead. You're friends do have a point. If you can go on Kingda Ka, you can probably handle every roller coaster in that park.

    it's 456 feet tall I believe and goes at speeds over 100 miles. So just be ready. Go online and look up POV videos of it and see how it looks from the hill and everything.

    Good luck :) I know with my first big roller coaster I was terrified. Batman at Six flags new england, but it was okay in the end.


  4. I think it would be a good idea to go on it first, because it's true that once you go on it, you feel like no other ones are scary.  I love rollercoasters but my friend had to convince me to go on Kingda Ka.  Since it's really fast you don't really have time to be scared or think about what's going on.  The only thing that made me nervous was right before the launch because you don't know exactly when it's going to go.  Just remember that it's really safe.  My friend actually took a picture of me right after I got in the train... lol it's really funny, I looked terrified, and when I got off I was laughing and we went on again.

  5. kingda ka is the best roller coaster and you should try riding it. It goes 112mph and goes up to 400ft tall. You should ride it

  6. Go on it. You said you probably will never go again, which makes it a once in a lifetime opportunity. I really liked kingda ka, but i am a roller coaster fanatic and but you might like it. Get to the park before it opens and go on that one, otherwise the line can get up to 6 hours long. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!

  7. If it's your first time ever riding on a roller coaster then it's a bad idea.  If you have gone on roller coasters before and know what they are like yes you should deffinetly go on it first.  And don't worry nothing bad happens on a roller coaster.  The worst thing that can happen is that you won't like it.  Then you just don't go on it again.  Kingda Ka is a great ride.  I've been on it at least 7 times and it's great PLUS!! the ride is only like 17 seconds long so its a short one.

  8. man up, let them drop and ride the coaster

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